Tuesday, May 30, 2006
an unexpected transfer..
i was told that my following week would be situated at Raffles Place. hmm. i simply thought i would just relief there. it was only yesterday, my 3rd of RP told me that i wouldn't be going back to BJ. meaning to say, i've been transferred to RP.
the thing is, how come when my 2nd-in-charge @ BJ called to inform me about my roster, yet did not mention anything about my transfer?
not that going to RP would be a bad thing. the pace is similar to that of Parkway, and i believe working with Calista would somehow be better as she tends to teach me more than any in-charges of BJ could share. then again, i didn't felt very good that there wasn't any official announcement for me....
well, below's my roster for the week:
Monday - 12 to Close
Tuesday - 12 to Close
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Full
Friday - Full
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Afternoon @ BJ
my working hours starts from 11am to 8pm, significantly shorter hours than BJ, which is a good news for me. PLUS they don't operate on Sundays and Public Hols. but that does not mean that i get to rest if i didn't clocked enough hours for the week. so ya, the good and bad side la... =D
Monday, May 22, 2006
roster for the week...
Monday - 12pm to Close
Tuesday - Morning
Wednesday - Afternoon @ PWP
Thursday - Morning
Friday - REST!
Saturday - Afternoon @ PWP
Sunday - REST!
and this would be my last week before having YM to interrupt my singlehood for good. so there'll be lesser chances of girls' nights out and stuff... whatever.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
this pics are taken on the day we went to MoMo on 13 of May. some of you may have saw these posted on my friendster. =D

hua did looked like she's naked.. right? kekekeke...
And my D&D? yup, the theme for the night was Retro. So my siow-onz Shop Manager managed to convince us to wear these rented retro costumes. it's fun, yeah! and the best part is MY TEAM WON!! BJ RULEZ!! this is how my costume looks like. i'm wearing a white knee high boots with black stockings. bleah!
KK, Anis and Shikin
this is me and Michelle

this is me... like duh!

one of my favourite in-charges - Calista
my part-timer, KK
one of my favourite junior, Shikin
there's me, Michelle, KK and my 3rd-in-charge - Billy
my 2nd-in-charge, Jiawen, and SM, Amy!
Shikin, Anis, KK and me!
the color of the pics are not deliberate. as the ballroom's lights are kinda yellowish, the pics just came out the way it is. coincidentally, it did make our pics look "old"... hahaha....
and last but not the least... THOSE FLOWERS!

i don't think i looked good but this is the only pic i have with the flowers....
and the best part is... the flowers BLOSSOMED!! it's nice de lo.... i thought it would die but till today, thanks to my mama, it's still alive!! and rearing its head ever so proudly... *sigh*...

FYI, all these pics are taken from my phone. and i didnt bother editing it, giving the pics more brilliant colors. oh well...
Life's just so BORING...
it's to the extend where i didnt feel like going home straight after work but i still have to, not because i've some functions to attend (i only wished it) instead i've nothing on. worse still, i feel so... lonely? i couldn't think of anyone i could asked. and the silliest thing is - i forgot today was Saturday.
Saturday lah! singles may be free ma! why i just didn't think of that any sooner? then i wouldn't have wounded up at home sulking that i feel so pathetic coz' everyone's tired after work. ha! so stupid of me.
anyway, i've bought the 1st volume of 3-in-1 adventures of The Adventures of TinTin. MY!! that's my ALL-TIME FAVOURITE comic book! so happy that i've bought it. imagine after contemplating for YEARS, i've decided to burn my pocket a hole to get it. and i'm not joking about the years part. coz' it's seriously expensive lah. 30 bucks for a comic book eh, mad right? and this comic just NEVER GOES ON SALE! hmph.
then, i bought a notebook.... yada yada yada....
now trying to clear the Malties from my teeth... you know, Malties?? sounds familiar? the Horlicks' chewable tablets.... probably be anyone's childhood favourites. at least, that's one of mine! hehehe...
i wondering of the time i'll waste tomorrow, slacking at home doing nothing except banging on the PC... it's so predictable. sigh!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
sweetest surprise, EVER!
Parkway's 2nd-in-charge attended to him and suddenly turned to me and said, "eh, it's yours!" shocked, i thought she wanted me to handle him. then, the delivery man said, "you're Ms. Elina right? kindly sign on the receipt..." YEAP! IT'S FOR ME!!
still unbelieveable, i saw the card attached on it. it was from YM!!
it was hard work trying to contain my excitment. it was exhilarating and yet such pleasant surprise. this is the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me.
of course, the rest of my colleagues were gushing and also teasing about my "secret admirer". hahahaha...
that flowers have really made my day. =)
PS i'll show the bouquet to you some other time ya? at the moment, i'm in a hurry to go out. ha!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
those INFAMOUS trio
i'm not afraid to name names. they happened to be: Ee Zi, Eileen and Grace. VIOLA! the unexpected threesomes. and infamous BDS's cream-of-the-crop and the awkwardly-outcasted.
i was at the cashier counter, clearing the stock-in for the day. it could have been worse if i'm helping at the selling floor. 3 figures walked past me and i casually gave a quick glance. wrong move. that, as usual, insensitive Ee Zi exclaimed to the other 2, "HEY LOOK! THAT'S ELINA!" even my colleague was abit taken back at the "exclamation" from her. at that moment, due to her loud notification, i didn't really know how to react. i smiled and continued with whatever i'm doing. i feel like going over to her and said, "eh, need to let the whole world know i'm at GIORDANO issit?" that's pure rudeness to me.
what i understand that she belongs to one of the gossipers of BDS Yr 2000, so i would probably be famous soon. i can even imagine her telling the others, "hey! you know who i saw at Giordano in Parkway? Elina! blah blah blah...." but then again, i'm not such an important character to gossip about anyway. if i'm kissing a 60-something man with beer belly on the streets, then ya, i'm a hot gossip.
i admit, it's my pride which is affected. i'm seriously offended. not by what she said, but more of her reactions upon spotting an old-time schoolmate and once classmate. even if that caught her by surprise, shouldn't she be abit more tactful in her actions?
i mean, the least you would see is some friends working in the retail line when you expected them to be in corporate wear and probably looked real serious in it, like they commanded certain power. it's a decent job, yeah, but it's that kind of reaction which i HATED it. i should have see this coming. that's what i mean that Singaporeans should really start to GROW UP and RESPECT each and every individual in ANY job.
till now, i feel like slapping her and ask her to mind her manners.
Abel, if you happen to read this, kindly tell your that loud-mouthed girlfriend to be ABIT more sensitive when feelings is concerned.
can't believe she didn't change abit... as if i know her well huh? kekekeke...
should i? should i not?
but i really wanna go ahead, especially to spite.
is it worthwhile?
Sunday, May 14, 2006
sleep no enough
and my, there's so big a diff comparing Wednesday's and Saturday's crowd! i enjoyed so much on Wednesday, but got pretty turned off just a few days later. 1stly, MoMo's really stupid to screen FA Championship Finals LIVE, where almost ALL the crowd were focusing on Liverpool vs West Ham United. even if it was already 1 am, the crowd wouldn't bug till they witnessed the victory of Liverpool. *snort*
to add matters worse, there's lots of maads and ah nehs. faint! and the DJ spins ah neh's R&B. wah lau!! so am i s'pose to run tree to tree with the crowd???
anyway, the music not too good and i went home quite early. but was tired ourselves la. i went home and concuss till noon. hee..
i got my schedule liao. and note that i'll be posted to Parkway Parade for a week to relief. roster as per below:
Monday - Afternoon
Tuesday - Morning
Wednesday - Morning
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Afternoon
Saturday - Morning
Sunday - Rest Day
pardon me for the lack of timetable for the past 2 weeks. i kinda lazy to put up. haa... i know some inconvenience when friends around me are not too aware if i'm working or not.
i'm still so sleepy. haa... wanna go sleep some more...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Time to Blog!!
i seriously hate this time of the year. it's humid, it's warm (and getting warmer) and the worse part is ANTS!! i don't know why but there's always lotsa mini ants crawling around the house despite how detailed i am in my housekeeping. and sometimes, they may even appear in our food. horrible!!
i was eating maggi noodles earlier. and when the dish is ready and served, you could see some black black thinggies floating. they could probably passed off as some "soot" from the pot while cooking. but when i take a careful look, i spotted legs. and just the meal alone, there're already 4 ants that i fished out while eating. and i'm not sure how many i've unknowingly eaten. seriously, the last thing i need is ants as garnishes.
and this morning, i think i had a slight hangover from yesterday's clubbing. haa... i went to club with YM's sis, Ebel. 1st time ever, i receive FREE drinks! woo hoo!!
eh, i don't mean Ladies' Nite that kind of free housepour lo. i mean those other drinks that are NOT housepour but they're on the house. get it?? kekekeke...
after our 1st drink of vodka 7up, i felt i needed more. so i ordered 1 jug of vodka lime, 2 tequila shots and 2 pairs of my fave - sex on the beach. but when it came, there was another pair of Sex on the Beach. and when i looked at the person who served us, he kind of signal to us that it's on the house. COOL! and the best part was when the bill came, he only charged us 2 tequila shot ($20) and 1 pair of sex on the beach ($15). DOUBLE COOL!! so basically, we gotten more than what we paid for. i'm feel so lucky... kekeke...
but i rather have MoMo's ladies card lah.... hahaha...
anyway, that's not all. everytime we went over to the counter, he would present us some drinks. next was Lychee Martini. and the drink before we had to leave for the day, it was a cup of Long Island Tea. ALL ON THE HOUSE!! WAHAHAHAHAHA.... which kinda understands why i'm feeling pretty over the top when i left. heee....
so i guess that's the good thing about going clubbing withOUT the guys. what could be better right??
well, nice experience lah.
also, 3 other guys came to approach us. seeing from Ebel's blog, she may not be as wild as me when it comes to clubbing. maybe i'm used to "letting go" when i club. i drink, i dance, i flirt dangerously - even if i have a boyfriend. i mean, that's what Ladies' Nite about isn't it?
so, Ebel felt turned off while i enjoy basking in men's attention. hahaha... well, it's only rare times like this where you get such attention right? i guess it also means you have certain "mei li" in order to attract "unwanted attention" like that. and it's not always times like this you can flirt guiltilessly ma... when i have this kind of opportunity, why let go right?? haa... i know some of you will start mumbling what a bitch i am. kekeke...
what starts there, ends there lah ya? (and that's my principle)
and that Ebel, reached home can still on the PC and blog. *faint*. the moment i reached home, i took off my makeup and changed out and immediately hit the sacks. i can't stay awake any longer lo. kaoz...
i had my fun and don't mind going back again (provided i have my free drinks la). hee...
so anyway, i need to go down Parkway to collect my stuffs from S&K. haa... i was posted to Parkway's Gio to relief from 6 to Close. and i need to change out of my uniform before clubbing. since i had so much barang barangs, Ebel suggested to put it in her locker in S&K. so sweet of her. =)
meeting that girl for dinner @ 4pm... but i'm still full leh. sigh... see how lo.
and for the 2nd round of clubbing, i'll be waiting for that 2 girls and they should know who they are, hor?? hmmm...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
he left..
after work, i met up with him and had dinner with his family. after that, i went to take the car from my brother and drove to his house to fetch him to the airport. we waited and waited for at least 2 hours (as usual) before he gotten his boarding pass. as soon as he received it, he would have to gather at the boarding area in about 15 minutes time.
the whole routine thing was so routine that i felt so numb to it. but yet it get pretty emotional when the time has come for him to leave. even though he's not going there for any strenous training, so the least i would hear him is whining how tough it was. but his role would be helping out in his "whatever" when there's outfield and stuff.
kaypo isn't it?
ah well, 20 days of time for me to think what i'm going to do during my rest days. i don't think i'll be like the last 2 episodes where i would countdown and make myself miserable and exhilerated at the same time. or at least not here....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
where did my money go...
i've misplaced a $100 CASH voucher (which is as good as lost)
i had to pay a shortage of $87.95 due to my oversight when i was cashiering.
while i was happily executing my rare shopping, i was being accused of spending money like tap despite the fact that the above has robbed my cash away.
i missed being single. then no one would spoil my mood while i'm shopping, no one would bother what i'm doing and no one would question the way i handle my finances.
best still, NO ONE would be able to remind me the things that i wish to forget (unless i brought it up myself...)
i never get things going...
seriously, i'm getting quite pissed with myself about my studies. becoz' recently i went to MIS website and realise that i've missed an intake. i feel like slapping myself man! the best part is that i've no idea when would be the next intake and i can't seem to take the initiative to get my arse down to enquire the right stuff. i don't think i'll be able to wait till i get the money (by then my hair would probably turn white liao) to proceed with studies. yet, at this point in time, i still can't decide which course would be good for me!
the worse part is: i seem to have started losing the zest in obtaining further education. i don't seem to be as keen as before. even though my mind and heart are telling me likewise, but my body wouldn't cooperate.
sometimes, i seriously hated myself. i'm basically wasting every moment of my youth striving for nothing. i have no idea when will i get down to REAL work. i might as well kill myself.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
a quick update
Monday - Afternoon
Tuesday - Afternoon
Wednesday - REST DAY!!
Thursday - Full
Friday - Afternoon
Saturday - Morning
Sunday - REST DAY!!
Thank goodness i'm on Rest Day this Sunday. So i'll be able to spend time with YM before he leaves for Taiwan (again!). =/