Tuesday, December 25, 2007
learn to be independent
my mum used to complain to me during times where she really couldn't stand my dad. and she never failed to say things like not to depend on men as ALL men are not dependable, and it's only safe and smart for women to stand on their own 2 feet. at that point in time, i would just brush it off as it's coming from a bitter woman. come to think about it, it's quite true.
sometimes, it's hard not to lean too much coz' you'll never really know how much is too much. so you'll end up finding quite hard to find your balance especially when your men suddenly pulled out of your steps. even when they tried to catch you back again, well, damaged still done. you'll began thinking (like me) and get angry for being so useless when our parents brought us up the best way possible so we can stand on our own 2 feet when we face the real world. and yet, when we get too clingy, we're the one getting manipulated. how sad, isn't it? or are women supposedly to be under the scrutiny of men for history? hmmm...
how much do you know him? habits, some bits and pieces of his personality and character, and maybe abit more on his temper: it could only bring you this far. no one can be so sure....
i believe i've been reminded about these facts quite a few times before but y'know, when times are too good, we hardly wanted to be reminded of bad past. oh well, i guess it's pretty much human nature to enjoy the good times. plus, i'm quite forgetful.
yes, lesson learnt. even though it's through the hard way with runny noses and red eyes, it's still worth it at the end of the day.
pardon me, have a Merry X'mas guys!
Friday, December 14, 2007
finally, i'll be tying the knot
somehow, i immediately broke down to tears.... and i cried uncontrollably.
i guess he didn't expect my reaction. so he hugged and asked me, "will you marry me?" after that, it was a whirlwind of emotions where he tried to calm me down. then he made me sat down at the edge of the van, he asked me, "err, u want me to go down on my knees?" but before i could answer, he obliged almost immediately and proposed one more time. however this time, he showed me the ring and held it out between his fingers, waiting for me to say something. i guess i was choking with overwhelming emotions that i could only nod, many times. then he finally got up.
he looked around his surroundings and held out his phone, telling me to compose myself coz' the others were coming. i was like, "huh??" then slowly, one by one his accomplices revealed themselves.
the guy in green jacket was the owner for the Nissan Sunny car. YM swopped with him where he drove the van to East Coast, and the others help to decorate the van. good friends huh?
after that, one couple emerged out from their van which was 100% unaware of YM's plan. they happened to come by East Coast and saw YM's van lurking in the carpark. and hence decided to wait and see. apparently, they didn't wait in vain and in fact watched the complete episode. i call them, the Kaypohs.
oh well, that's pretty much the story you guys dying to know.
below is the scrapbook album he made for me. apparently he made it with the help of some of his good friends, and it even got him to stay up till 7am in the morning trying to get it completed.
of course, not forgetting the most important item to make this proposal sustaining its sacred meaning:
The Ring: SooKee Jewellery 0.3 Carat Brilliant Rose Diamond
last but not the least, a dozen of roses....
and to round up, us!
i know it's going to be mushy, but i have to say my thanks:
thank you for everything you've done for me, and i'm looking forward every minute that i'll be spending my life with you.... i love you.
okay, i'm done and it's 2.30am. *groan*
Monday, December 10, 2007
I just celebrated YM’s bday last week. So apparently the arrangements were pretty last minute and I was there liaising here and there. At least, everything went as per planned. Instead of just both of us, I dragged his friends in. I figured that he’s more of a person who would be happier to spend his bday with his friends rather than his gf alone. Of coz, I’m not implying that just spending the day with me is not what he wants, but he would be happier if there’re other ppl around too. You know, all that hype and attention he can have for that day….
Just glad that he enjoyed himself….
I don’t know how long I can still tahan my mum. She’s not making things easy for me, and likewise, I didn’t see why I need to make things easier for her. And it’s all because of my dog.
Ker ker said it’s like she has something that belonged to me and hence it creates this “excuse” to see me which that thought really irks me. For some reason, I’m not thrilled to see her again. Similarly, if I’m staying with my mum, I will have this same reaction towards my dad. Anyway, I would rather stay with my dad coz at least he’ll leave me alone while my mum can never do that.
I’m guilty for saying real nasty things to my mum out of spite but I seriously had it up to my boiling point when she always wants to get things her way. At least in many things I’ve been accommodating and chose to close an eye so to make my life happier. Apparently, things had gotten abit too much for me to bear la….
Like I said, I never wanted to share Fuji. Not coz’ I’m selfish or what but I’m sparing a thought for my old boy. And also, he’s definitely not a toy to be dished around liddat.
To make situations worse, every time they would happily bring Fuji back to their place, none of them would make the effort to return him to me. My concept is simple: you borrow something, you return it and not me taking it from u. of coz there would be times of exception when everyone’s busy and all, fine, I’ll go take the dog. Otherwise, seriously, it’s just manners. They have their lives, I have mine. I don’t see why constantly I need to be the one to accommodate to their plans and not mine. It’s a give and take situation; I can’t always be giving and them taking.
Every time I think about this, every time I talked to someone about this, I felt heat in my eyes and my sight gets blurry with anger. I just cant see when all these will stop….
I’m not asking anything from anybody. All I want is to just treasure what I have now and let go what I don’t have. I have been bitter and miserable, and I so want to step out of all these and see that sunshine again.