Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i'm so tired... OMG...
i'm so sick of this kind of lifestyle.
so much effort plunged in for the sake of a better future. and yet, i don't even know how much better my future will be. to juggle studies and work is prolly one of the toughest challenge in life. one hell of an experience. it is so repulsive that i couldn't stand studing any longer.
gimme strength to carry on....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
is it all for the money?
it's prolly my instincts or i'm worrying too much after i got hooked up with an interview; the job still had some things to do with Sales.
maybe as a marketer, we can never really pull away from Sales. whatever job that is, there would be some part involved in the any spectrum of sales; be it cold-calling, looking for leads and visiting clients and so on.
just as what i've expected: other than marketing activities like organizing events, forecast reports and so on, i will be also have to be involved in certain Sales activities. even though there won't be any targets to meet or my salary is commission driven, my job scope still evolves calling up new leads and so on. haix.
anyway, this company is an IT Security Solutions Distributor. they work in this way where the Channel Program (or Marketers) will be finding the leads, and the Channel Sales will be the ones to follow up and close the deal. so that was what they meant by "i won't be chasing figures" as it'll be done by the Sales department. still, it would still involved cold-calling - the suckiest part of Sales.
Ker Ker told me to just take up the job, and YM too. both of them sang the same tune, "they pay good!" and they told me that i need the money now for the wedding. and they also said that i couldn't possibly be sitting there and wait till the dream job plops on my lap. so since i'll be waiting for that dream job, might as well wait with a good pay rather than a meagre salary at NAFA. i agree with them: but even if i'm not too comfortable with the job scope, i still have to go ahead?
job market for a proper Marketing positions is low, and not many would accept novices like me now. also, they won't be willing to pay that much...
it seems like i don't exactly have much choice huh?
should i just close my eyes and jump in, then decide whether it's good for me?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
an enjoyable rat race
dan da da da~....
(here comes the bride....)
wedding bells and the typical old-school wedding tune which is usually played over the organ in the church, is ringing in my ears. i prolly won't get to hear that coz' i'm not conducting my wedding in a church. and temples don't play tunes like that. they're likely to be incomprehensible chants and the sound of goooooong~. then again, i'm not a Buddhist and i need not to go to Buddhist temples for wedding ceremony.
really, it's not easy trying to organize a wedding event. what's more, this is MY wedding event. hence, expectations are like up to the sky kind of thing. to make things worse, it's not as if i get married every day to know the checklist of what and how to go about getting things done. it voices down to how resourceful the couple is, and also, if the couple happened to have relatives or friends getting married as well would really help things. they are the ones who're in it, and they can at least give you some light in the murky waters.
bridal packages, banquet halls, solemnisation.... which comes 1st, you know? with some sound advice and basic instincts, i was spot on: banquet halls booking.
i went on forums to check, the brides there booked like almost 2 years in advance. *gasp!* super kiasu lor. so when i rang some prospective restaurants and hotels, to my horror, most of them were like fully booked throughout the year, i became panicky. very soon, i'm much like any of the kiasu brides-to-be out there competing in the rat race - aggressive and unscrupulous. and some restaurants put it quite clear to our faces: "first come first serve". whoever throws down the deposit to book the date 1st, ta-da, winner! you can say it's their marketing tactics and we can't help being slaved to it, but it sure makes you think twice about leaving the restaurant without any assurance of the date you want. of course, every restaurants and hotels have different sets of T&Cs.
well, i took my virgin step in this whole wedding preparation to source for the restaurants. it was quite nerve-wrecking but yet enjoyable to go through these process. it's just like shopping; only it's on another level coz' you're planning for like something this important. but the added catalyst to make this shopping even more exciting is the ambiguity whether others managed to book that date before you did especially after you (and your partner) personally went down to the restaurant to enquire in detail.
so i did my part to source for the restaurants, now is the bridal package. YM voluntarily take up this task, which i felt it shouldn't be too tough as it's much more straight forward and not so much of rat race to compete. rather it is more on the price factor and whether it deliver what they promises in the package.
in a nutshell, you need the following requirements to be eligible to take on the challenge:
1. Patience and mutual understanding with your partner coz' it's hard to have the same opinion in everything
2. Aggressive and quick in thinking; sometimes you can't ponder too long for a banquet location, esp when u know time is running out! so, if both of you like it, within your budget and you can afford the deposit, go ahead and book. then you've one less thing to worry over on top of the list of things to get done.
3. Money! you don't exactly need alot of money la. of coz have more money is better, but the minimum sum that you need for deposit of the banquet and bridal package (if any). however, don't even bet on it when both of your salary doesn't even guarantee that you'll manage to save up to an amount u need for the whole wedding preparation. yes, things may still work out but you'll prolly be struggling with your daily expenses and then, this. so it might tense things up between the both of you.
4. our future in-laws and parents: they can make things quite tough. and not every parents are that easy-going and would leave it to both newly-weds to handle on their own. so, sometimes do make them assured that you're not jumping into any conclusion before having their opinion. of coz, that doesn't imply that you need to listen to their every word. it's just for "show" that you value their 2 cents' worth.
5. don't stress out yourself unnecessarily; you'll prolly still have ample time to put things into place. so work it out with your partner rather than shoulder the full responsibility. teamwork is very crucial to help ease tensions and make this whole event works the way both of you planned. even if you require additional help from friends, just ask!
6. (to be continued... if i manage to think of something else)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
fashion 'buangs'
do you know leggings are actually underwears, identical to that of stockings? well, even though we don't exactly sell leggings in Lingerie shops, but it acts as thermal wear for colder countries. even though the overly-used of leggings, i would feel most people still matches them quite well. or at least it's not obscene.
i felt i seriously had enough seeing serious fashion disasters walking on the street when i saw this girl wearing a high-waist, full length leggings with a top barely covering the crotch! PUH-LEASE! that is like SUPER OBSCENE lar! that is as good as wearing a pair of pantyhose without a PROPER bottom. imagine the camel-toe and all that hairy affair is being proudly exposed to the world. it's like free porn offered on the streets! no wonder there're signs of increased population of hum-sup ah pek lurking among the crowd.
i wished i have some snapshots of girls in their really BUANG attire. then we can gawk and squirm at fashion disasters, and have a good laugh over at brainless hippies.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
mei mei, you're just so farnie lar!
it's the silly-yet-truthful side of her made me (and us) reminded how much we just love her for being her even without trying.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
an abandoned dog

cute isn't he?
this boy is found sleeping inside a box with a small container of water and some lump of dried food. or i don't think that's food la. if YM hadn't seen a couple hovering over the box, he didn't even notice the box was there, what's more to the content in the box!
to cut the story short, i was on the verge to send this boy to the police station (instructed by SPCA when i called up). then this 2 men intended to walk pass me but stopped when they saw this little fella. and after much consideration (and my desperation to house this pup), he managed to convince himself that he'll take it home while i source for a new owner. yeah!
we exchanged numbers to keep each other updated about the adoption. and just when one of the men brought the pup home, i received a call from him that he didn't know how to handle his whines. *slaps forehead* okay, he didn't have a dog before, so, oh well. *shrugs*
the next day, i was like guilt-stricken and all. i made efforts to sign up pet forums and post ads, hoping to get responds. i even went to pray at the temple near school (which i do everyday).
okay, finally some genuine owners offered to take up this pup. i'm like super relieved! but now, that guy is abit reluctant to let it go coz' "he's quite cute". and when i asked if his family are okay with the dog, he didn't answer me directly and divert me by telling me that he's impressed the way i handled adoption and blah blah blah. so i wasn't pleased but told him politely that i'm doing what i need to do to ensure the pup is in good hands as i don't want to end up "killing" the pup instead of helping it. and then he pleaded to give him over the weenends but my adopter don't wanna wait so long, so he bo bian agreed to gimme the answer by Friday.
haix, the more he drag the more he would be reluctant to give up. and i'm still doubting whether he would really be sincere about adopting him as i feel he's not looking past that cute face. apparently, that "cute face" will still poo and pee. not as if he's cute and cuddly, he won't behave like a living thing. duh!
anyway, i was considering him for myself... a company for Fuji, but, too handful for me la. as much as i would like it, taking in a pup and training it all over again from scratch, it's traumatising la. even though i've survived from that phase, but i'm not too enthusiastic about taking it on.
i'm now hoping for the best, crossing my fingers whoever would to take on the pup is someone responsible.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
i'm a kid... yes, i want to be one
if you want, you can go download and hear how it is like. =)
品冠 就叫我孩子
作詞:陳靜楠 作曲:品冠 編曲:江建民
就叫我孩子 孩子在你面前覺得真實
讓我露出本來的樣子 自然說出心事
就叫我孩子 孩子真心何必太多言詞
這是我最想要的名字 只有你懂我
赤子的心 從未消失
Sunday, January 06, 2008
some updates in my life...
quite caught up with life lately. thank goodness BKK trip was fruitful. bought quite alot of stuff, but both of us only spent about 700 sing which includes all miscellaneous stuff and activities other than shopping. and we didn't really bargain.... not much photos, other than the (usual) Grand Palace tour. so this time round, i wont be posting any pictures.
btw, YM enjoyed himself SOOO much that he was whining to me when we're at our last day. and he can't exactly get over it even when he's at work, telling me he wanna go shopping again. fyi, he didn't buy alot - only 7 tops, handphone accessories and other souveniors to go around.
he's a good man. he enjoys shopping as much as i do! in fact, i was impressed at where he could accompany me to comb every single shop we're in at the Platinum Mall, as well as Suan Lum market! in fact, combing every shop was like his idea!
after i'm back not too long, was out dinner with some friends for new year countdown. caught the fireworks at the Padang. it was some pretty shit, but could've been better if i was at Marina or Esplanade itself. we reckon it'll be much more pack and parking gonna be an issue. come to think about it, i guess it was pretty dumb to drive there about slightly more than an hr earlier just to catch about 8 minutes of fireworks. oh well, i guess it's something different for me though.
right after, i got to catch up with backlogs in the office and my projects. apparently, every thing was so quiet when i'm back. either nothing has progressed since i left or i wasn't been updated. anyway, just got my weekends burnt for intensive lectures. haix.... i SOOOO can't wait to get over all these.
anyway, i'm looking for a perm job now. taking my time, carefully sourcing for available positions. even though NAFA is willing to release me earlier if i hooked up a job, i didn't want to rush finding one. just that i need to find one soon enough so i can help YM financially, in terms of saving as much as we can afford for the wedding. of course, we have some rough plans that it'll not going to be some lavish affair, but even if we're holding it on a simple scale, it would be good we'll have some excess cash on hand so we can splurge abit more on other things. furthermore, we won't go wrong with more money!
sorry, i don't have the wedding date as yet. we're like taking this whole wedding thing at our own sweet time, which is good! so we wont be bothered about additional pressure when work and other commitments are piling. as for me, i still have my studies to fret. oh boy, can't wait to finish my studies!
i guess it's pretty much it for now. i need to go back to homework.... have some stupid case study presentation tomorrow. and i'm like so blardy tired already!