i'm currently working on a group project that has 5 people, including myself. there are 4 guys and i'm the only girl. this is quite refreshing coz' i never landed myself into situations like this before, even though it's not entirely a bad thing.
the guys are quite proactive in the group, which naturally made me tone down. there was some group discussions in the 1st few lessons but eventually died down a while due to the upcoming mid-term test. so our project came to a standstill, and i got quite lazy about doing my part since nobody is rushing anybody. oh well...
there was a meet-up but i was really tired coz' of my work so i skipped one of the meetings (or was it 2?). however, the boys will send minutes via email to everyone even if whoever's absent. sweet people aren't they?
now we're rushing our parts abit coz' this week is the final week for presentation and submission. nevertheless, some people have to rub me on the wrong side.
i'm assigned to do simple parts like Executive Summary, Background, Competitors' Analysis and Post-Analysis methods. the real actions are taken care by the boys. well, i don't know if they doubted my abilities or what but i didn't argue on my workload. since to me, my parts are really insignificant, i thought i shall just take my time to complete. furthermore, it's only right that i compile the report coz' my parts don't overlap with anyone's work. however, there is this joker who tries to be funny with me.
for some reason (not known to me), this guy Edmund has to push me for my parts. at 1st i thought he needed my parts maybe our parts overlapped. but when i double-checked the task list, no, he's doing the Findings which is in no relation to mine. still, i rushed my parts to send him and left the Exec Summary empty as i'm supposed to summarize the whole report. and when i sent over, i kept everyone else in the loop. apparently, he has to reply in an totally undiplomatic way:
"Hi Elina,
You should voice out during the discussion yesterday to update us, otherwise we do not know your progress especially you have not done the executive summary. Actually for your part not much and somemore it have been a long time to prepare.
Please be honest to us subsequently if you really cannot finish including the compiling of the report, as we still have a lot of parts to cover including the powerpoint not much time.
Appreciate if you do that. Thanks.
Edmund "
not as if my parts like SOOO significant that without my parts they're not able to proceed right?! i could feel myself turned red, so fustrated about this idiot. i thought for a good while before i replied. i HAVE to reply, i can't just let live since he treated me this way:
"Hi Edmund,
sorry abt the delay, i agree on the fact where i haven't been productive over past weeks. i understand your anxiousness, apologies for causing inconvenience to you.
no, compiling the report doesn't take a huge chunk of my time, it's a matter how soon i get everyone's respective work. now i'm quite confused on how to proceed with my exec summary when i haven't seen everything. maybe it's my common practice to get the exec summary done the last coz' it's supposed to summarize everything, however i guess it may not apply for now.
like i've informed the previous round, i'm actually on leave today and tomorrow, which is meant to complete my take-home exam as well as this project. if my competency to wrap up this project and quality of work are questionable, i'm all ears to suggestions.
greatly appreciate your constructive feedback.
elina "
either he couldn't be bothered with me, or he's just one fucked up person, his reply was this:
"Hi Elina,
Thank you. Appreciate that.
Will send you my part once i reach home.
Best Regards,
Edmund "
this guy is seriously pissing me off. maybe he cleverly slipped away from a good argument, which left me hanging, and it obviously didn't feel good! argh!
i thought i let it go. when i've collated the report and sent to everyone, INCLUDING my Exec Summary, i've stated to spot any mistakes just in case i've overlooked. this Edmund fella just have to be my unofficial teacher. he replied the email and sent back my copy only to me and highlighted those paragraphs in my Exec Summary, and added comments that i shouldn't talk about this or shouldn't copy and paste his words and plonked into the summary.
blardy shit! tink i'm some newbie huh?! that's super insulting lor! that's practically questioning my competency!
1stly, i based my exec summary guidelines from a sample report which my other groupmate gotten hold of it, and that blardy sample report gotten a Distinction for that (mind you!); 2ndly, i didn't copy WORD-FOR-WORD, arsehole! since he captured the main points in the main report, obviously i'll used the main points right? of course i rephrased it, DUH!! so what IF i really copied word-for-word? plagarizing our own report from our own report?!?! or i'm supposed to sing a different tune in the exec summary? does he even know what a SUMMARY is?????
if he seriously think he's that good, go ahead and change it la! why does he have to go the extra mile by pointing it out and "you go do the necessary changes". cannot just change on the spot meh?! he must feel that he shouldn't be doing other people's job.... fuck off.
PLUS, he's supposed to find and add in the references and HE DID NOT EVEN PROCEED LOR!! he didn't do what he's SUPPOSED to do and yet comment on other people 1st??? where does he come from? Jupiter???
anyway, after that email i've sent with alot of stings, everyone else kinds of immediately send me their parts. it's quite a queer sight actually. i'm thinking whether they sense some fire from me, or they just sincerely wanted to help me get things going.
even though i'm not exactly a person free of hypocrisy, but this guy is probably ultimate. come to think about it, his pretense... gawd!
i suddenly have a feeling that they might have been talking about me when i'm not around during meetings. it didn't feel good to have such feelings but i know where they're coming from, especially during the times where they didn't see my contributions. at least now i know who would most possibly be the one to bring me up in meetings. and usually, my gut feelings are quite true.
i'm so hoping i won't get to meet him EVER in my final semester next term.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
new project, new hopes
i signed up for HDB alerts quite some time back, quite kiasu about updates on upcoming projects on Build-To-Orders and Design-Build-Sell-Schemes. so today, i received an alert that the new BTO projects are Sengkang and Punggol.

"Homes to be Treasured".... pun intended?? that's pretty much like a bad cliche for a tagline. gawd! i mean, after all that hoo-haa on the facade of oversubsciption to new projects, and resulted many keen subscribers didn't manage to get an appointment to view the flats, so there's alot of controversy going on about that. anyway, they've applied new rules to application of projects like this, which i believe aids 1st-timers like me. =D
after much consideration and careful selection, we felt Punggol project was a better option. despite that i've been ranting how ulu both sides are, i thought of the location and the potential developing projects in near future, we finally threw in 10 bucks of hope to try. here's the reason why i chose this place instead:

the distance between Punggol NEL station and the proposed location is almost exactly the same distance as my current location. i'm bad with maths, so i presume is within 500m range. pretty ideal, even though i didn't like the idea to have an LRT circling round the place. also, i didn't think it's that favorable to stay next to the expressway....
and FYI, those who're interested to get a 2-storey HDB flat, this project offers 23 units for sale. they called it a 5-Room loft. based on the block plan, all the 2-storey houses are located at the top of the building; i.e. the 16th level. something similar to that of a penthouse, even though there isn't an open rooftop offered. quite reasonably priced between $442k to $447k.
there're approximately 1000 units available for this Punggol project. of which, 700 units are 4-rooms. and just today, there're more than 150 hopeful applicants vying on the the same 4-room units as me. probably that's why i didn't see wasting time on pondering whether to ballot or not. even though it's doubtful that they would generate queue number based on 1st-come-1st-serve basis, i didn't feel "secure" till i throw in my 10 bucks.
actually, our ideal project is DBSS at Simei. we threw in our 10 bucks for Punggol is becoz':
1st: DBSS flats are relatively more expensive, hence the affordability issue involved
2nd: we have completely NO idea whether they'll be proposing HDB flats or Executive Condos, coz' the location is like next to EastPoint kind of thing...
3rd: if they would to propose ECs, dang, we have to wait for more projects over the next few years.... bearing in mind that we may have to wait long for a favorable location
4th: i don't want to wait so long to secure a flat lah!
considering that if i really got to secure a unit in this project, i have to wait approx. 3 to 5 years for the completion. that duration is really killing for me coz' i'll be staying with my in-laws - it kinds of explains the rest, doesn't it?
oh well, so i can only hope for the best right now. it's quite exciting, really. i think it's even more exciting than betting that ToTo. kekekeke....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
the long weekend
it was the long weekend which unofficially started right after i knocked off on Friday. after which, the weekend rest stretched up to Monday this weekend for Vesak Day. basically, every night was literally late nights out of clubbing, pubbing and KTV. it was fun-filled, yes, but at the same time it's ultimately tiring. YM's friends are just too "outgoing".
returning to work was really a chore this morning. after all, i woke up in the early afternoons and slept at dawn. gawd! even though it's a pleasantly shorter week, but trying to get oriented on a Tuesday is such a taboo.
to make things worse, the weather is not helping either. it is just sooooo warm that i could even sweat the moment i got out of bed this morning. groan, so sleep wasn't too fulfilling.
right now sitting on my bed, i felt like dozing off. insufficient willpower to get my project going. it's my last 2 semesters and i have lost a huge part of my vibes and motivation to carry on. no good! i need motivation!! i just can't wait for everything to be over!! =(
i think i sprained ankle.... tripped from the stairs. thank goodness i gripped the handle on time, otherwise, i'll prolly sprawled on the floor and grazing other parts of my body. now i cant twist my ankle at a certain angle..... and i began to see swell. hmmm....
returning to work was really a chore this morning. after all, i woke up in the early afternoons and slept at dawn. gawd! even though it's a pleasantly shorter week, but trying to get oriented on a Tuesday is such a taboo.
to make things worse, the weather is not helping either. it is just sooooo warm that i could even sweat the moment i got out of bed this morning. groan, so sleep wasn't too fulfilling.
right now sitting on my bed, i felt like dozing off. insufficient willpower to get my project going. it's my last 2 semesters and i have lost a huge part of my vibes and motivation to carry on. no good! i need motivation!! i just can't wait for everything to be over!! =(
i think i sprained ankle.... tripped from the stairs. thank goodness i gripped the handle on time, otherwise, i'll prolly sprawled on the floor and grazing other parts of my body. now i cant twist my ankle at a certain angle..... and i began to see swell. hmmm....
Friday, May 09, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
born with expensive skin...
i was plague with problem-skin ever since i reached puberty. back then, i didn't care 2 hoots how i looked even though my face's glossiness can blind somebody under strong lighting. i can use as many as 2 to 3 blotters for my skin. and yet, my mum reminded me that i'm still young and i shouldn't be anyhow using facial care as i'm still growing and might damage my youthful skin.
i have blackheads, pimples and whiteheads on my forehead, cheeks and noses. even though i wasn't quite close to acne, but breakouts are just as bad. once in a blue moon my mum would bring me to the beautician and squeeze my blackheads. still, it would be back within 1 week.
as i got older and more resourceful, i began seeking information online for help and remedies. also, with higher spending power, i can afford better products even though they're still off-the-shelves. yes, my condition is better but somehow nothing can be cured. there's always breakouts to handle and blackheads to tackle. endless, really. i knew i needed to seek specialist's help and not beautician (as i don't trust them anymore) in order to improve my condition. after harping about it for more than a year, finally, i went to see a dermatologist - a skin specialist.
i went to Maple Clinic in Tampines, as early as 8am in the morning. this clinic is recommended by a bosom friend who also seeked help about her breakouts. apparently, i heard quite good reviews online and from her, so i decided to go try out. i read that queuing is needed and they don't practice appointments system. therefore, yesterday i went to queue at about 8.30am, just about time they opened. i knew i was not very early as i've read online that some are kiasu enough to queue as early as 7am. when i reached there, i was probably the 40+ fella in queue and just in time for one of the clinic staff distributing queue numbers. apparently, the doctor limits to the number of patients to 30. one of the aunties who prolly was the 31st person in the queue failed to get a queue number got quite unhappy and began arguing with the staff. and i heard from the staff that the 1st person in queue was actually there since 6am!! OMFG! how to compete? camp there ah?? it's really ridiculous la....
even though i didn't get to wait long to know the "results", i was pretty disappointed. after all, i finally had some spare cash on hand (thanks to the Government for giving us money...) to go see a skin doctor and i didn't managed to get a consultation.
however, i had an alternative recommendation: Joyce Lim clinic at Paragon Medical Suites. i have some doubts going there coz' i've heard reviews that oral medication would be prescribed on top of the application ones, and there're some side effects. i can't help being skeptical. eventually, since i'm so bend about getting my problem skin right, i travelled down to Paragon on the same day. YM was with me the whole time, he consoled me that we could come down queue again next week. but it's quite silly gambling my chances just to see a doctor no matter how good she can be. and luckily, my choice to visit Joyce Lim was right.
surprisingly, JL clinic operates exactly opposite of Maple. i walked in to register and was told that appointment was needed. i couldn't help showing my disappointment lor. but the receptionist was kind enough to squeeze me in for an appointment, only had to wait for an hour. in the end, i only waited less than half an hour. =D
the consultation was quite fruitful. even though i paid 100 bucks for just consultation alone, knowing its overpriced, but i didn't feel much of the pinch. and fyi, the bill added up with $355 and there's no oral medication involved. alot right? i was prepared and yet not prepared to foot the bill. haha... what i thought was overrated - she carried her own brand of products. her name was splattered almost every medication, and another brand which require doctor's prescription before distribution. smart huh? when you need refills, you have to go back to her. ha!
a follow-up session is scheduled 3 weeks later. i don't know how much i'll spend for that, hopefully it is not another whopping 300 bucks.
since i started working, i spent so much on my face to get my skin right. nothing helped. i hope that this lap would be my final lap for better skin. otherwise, sigh, it's another long process trying to source for help. this journey is so tiring and i so wanna get over and done with it.
i have blackheads, pimples and whiteheads on my forehead, cheeks and noses. even though i wasn't quite close to acne, but breakouts are just as bad. once in a blue moon my mum would bring me to the beautician and squeeze my blackheads. still, it would be back within 1 week.
as i got older and more resourceful, i began seeking information online for help and remedies. also, with higher spending power, i can afford better products even though they're still off-the-shelves. yes, my condition is better but somehow nothing can be cured. there's always breakouts to handle and blackheads to tackle. endless, really. i knew i needed to seek specialist's help and not beautician (as i don't trust them anymore) in order to improve my condition. after harping about it for more than a year, finally, i went to see a dermatologist - a skin specialist.
i went to Maple Clinic in Tampines, as early as 8am in the morning. this clinic is recommended by a bosom friend who also seeked help about her breakouts. apparently, i heard quite good reviews online and from her, so i decided to go try out. i read that queuing is needed and they don't practice appointments system. therefore, yesterday i went to queue at about 8.30am, just about time they opened. i knew i was not very early as i've read online that some are kiasu enough to queue as early as 7am. when i reached there, i was probably the 40+ fella in queue and just in time for one of the clinic staff distributing queue numbers. apparently, the doctor limits to the number of patients to 30. one of the aunties who prolly was the 31st person in the queue failed to get a queue number got quite unhappy and began arguing with the staff. and i heard from the staff that the 1st person in queue was actually there since 6am!! OMFG! how to compete? camp there ah?? it's really ridiculous la....
even though i didn't get to wait long to know the "results", i was pretty disappointed. after all, i finally had some spare cash on hand (thanks to the Government for giving us money...) to go see a skin doctor and i didn't managed to get a consultation.
however, i had an alternative recommendation: Joyce Lim clinic at Paragon Medical Suites. i have some doubts going there coz' i've heard reviews that oral medication would be prescribed on top of the application ones, and there're some side effects. i can't help being skeptical. eventually, since i'm so bend about getting my problem skin right, i travelled down to Paragon on the same day. YM was with me the whole time, he consoled me that we could come down queue again next week. but it's quite silly gambling my chances just to see a doctor no matter how good she can be. and luckily, my choice to visit Joyce Lim was right.
surprisingly, JL clinic operates exactly opposite of Maple. i walked in to register and was told that appointment was needed. i couldn't help showing my disappointment lor. but the receptionist was kind enough to squeeze me in for an appointment, only had to wait for an hour. in the end, i only waited less than half an hour. =D
the consultation was quite fruitful. even though i paid 100 bucks for just consultation alone, knowing its overpriced, but i didn't feel much of the pinch. and fyi, the bill added up with $355 and there's no oral medication involved. alot right? i was prepared and yet not prepared to foot the bill. haha... what i thought was overrated - she carried her own brand of products. her name was splattered almost every medication, and another brand which require doctor's prescription before distribution. smart huh? when you need refills, you have to go back to her. ha!
a follow-up session is scheduled 3 weeks later. i don't know how much i'll spend for that, hopefully it is not another whopping 300 bucks.
since i started working, i spent so much on my face to get my skin right. nothing helped. i hope that this lap would be my final lap for better skin. otherwise, sigh, it's another long process trying to source for help. this journey is so tiring and i so wanna get over and done with it.
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