as some of you may know, i'm looking elsewhere to pursue my interest in marketing. the job i'm doing right now has nothing to do with marketing, even though it was in under the marketing umbrella. job hunt was never fun and it gets really depressing when you knew the resumes that you sent out, you didnt get any response. then you start to get angry with employers who just dont give newbies like you a chance to prove your worth, and think whether you'll get to realize your goals after all... the internal job transfer seemed to take forever and i'm getting really sick of my current job.
just when things seemed to look dull and hopeless, i finally saw a glimmer of hope. after waiting for 2yrs and 3 months, there is a position opened for Advertising. yes, i went for it.
my interview would be this coming Fri, at 2pm, with the Advertising manager. the only down side is, the person who got promoted from this position would be sitting in the interview too. she is JY. and recently, words of her bad reputation are circulating. weird that she'll be sitting in as one of the hiring managers though... unless it'll be like what my boss has speculated: this position would be reporting to her. if that would be true, i'll be quite darned.
there're alot of considerations now: the boss i'll report to in future, the position, giving up my current job prospects and opportunities that have been promised and slowly taking into place. i know one thing for sure that if it's a lateral shift, i will not take up this advertising position. with that future boss who feels threatened by people who're better than her and hence limit their chance of promotion, i would better off staying where i am right now, as i'm so close to a Supervisor position. a lateral shift would means i'm really starting all over again, starting off where i was 2 years ago, and possibly needs another 2 yrs or more to prove myself worthy for a Supervisor position. however, if it's a grade promotion, it would be worth considering....
my boss is obviously worried for me. even though she doesn't want me to leave now, but she would not stand in my way to pursue my interest. yes, it's a choice between a career and interest.
if you're in my shoe, what would you choose?