Tuesday, August 09, 2005

mission impossible: meeting the folks

been there, done that. so let's not harp on my side of "meeting the folks". what i would say is i have kinda successfully earned acceptance from his side of family.

seriously, what's wrong about my parents? even though they're not on good terms, they don't communicate even though they stay together nor would they start an argument anymore, neither of them would really show hostility to my peers. in fact, they care less about who i mixed around unless they don't seem presentable. in fact, that has never happen before.

so what's the big hoo-haa about meeting them? why even cower at the thought? not as if he hasn't done so before with his previous partner, how big a difference would it make?

okay, perhaps i do admit that my family and her family scenario would be quite different. she's an only child whereas i have 3 older siblings with me. he's same age as me and would seem pretty much "junior" compared himself having to be the oldest in his family. but doesn't everyone has their "first time" in everything, anything??

i have chosen better situations for him, where only my mum or dad would be around, and yet he could reject my offer thoroughly. even when there isn't anyone at home, he still wouldn't risk it having any of my family members catching him at my place. not as if any of them would catch us hanky-pankying, it's just a pure and innocent invitation over to my place and wait for me to get ready before heading out together. it definitely beats having him to wait at my void deck for me to get ready, and ending up having him to whine that i took too long. i didn't know men could be so "women" sometimes.

i'm so pissed off and so goddamn disappointed in him. my previous boyfriend faced the same situation and now him. i'm wondering is it coz' that they are the oldest in the family, they are not used to face older whoever? oh c'mon! it's a matter of time isn't it?!


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