Thursday, December 28, 2006
till now, i still love clubbing. even though some of my clicks eventually grew out of that, i never once wanted to leave the clubbing society. now and then, i'll try to tap around, trying to see if i've new khakis.
right now, Ladies' Night at MoMo is my fave club. good r&b music just rattles deep into me. without boyfriends around, it's definitely party time. if you do well, you get appreciated from glances of cute guys. ;P that is what LADIES' NIGHT all about, isn't it?
perhaps, last night was one of the worst night ever! it's even worst than having to go clubbing with a broken heart.
think about it: just when i'm enjoying myself to the max with DJs spinning awfully good tracks, almost jammed pack dance floor, coincidentally met up some of my old friends, thinking nothing else was better than now... YM just had to be "accidentally" spotted....
to put it simply, he was spying me from afar.
yes, seeing is believing. but when what you see isn't what they really are, what's the purpose then?
i exchanged numbers with some guys, yes. do you know who they happened to be? BDS people: Boon Keng (classmate) and WeiMing (BDS NCC, 1 year my senior).
i met some more guys! and who are they? Yihan and Ka Yong - YM's commando friends.
just because some fucker friends of yours told you what they saw the previous time i went MoMo, you wanted to see what you hope to see - whether i'm naughty or nice. probably, just tell your bunch of friends to mind their blardy business.
if they know me, why don't they even say Hi to me? where's their basic courtesy? why do they observe me from afar like you did? WHO are they to even observe me? WHO are they to even tell you things which is not entirely true, and they're not even there for you when you need emotional help? if they're really concern about my well-being, and AS A FRIEND, shouldn't they protect me, rather than just leaving me alone with another girlfriend of mine, fending for ourselves? and then tell you what they see.... bastards. if they're such good material on spying, go be a bloody PI lah! ask them to take their cam with them, TAKE PICTURES OF ME TRYING TO BE FUNNY!!
"hey, as a friend ah, i tell you this: i saw your girlfriend dancing and flirting with another guy. and they even kissed..."
kiss my small tight ass! friend??? who are they to even call themselves friends? i doubt they even keep in contact with you after you male-beings converted to civilians.
some things i don't wish to share, MEANS i just don't wish to share. why even try to force it out from me? some things i'll NEVER be ready to share. so, don't even think about digging any info, ANY. if you happened to know some things, find the right TIME to talk to me, and definitely NOT when YOU KNOW i'm enjoying myself!
lastly, get your friends to FUCK OFF. they are in NO POSITION to even tell you things which they see when they're not true.
if they so much want to tell you what kind of person i am when i'm clubbing, i'll promise i'll show myself them! i'll let them know, and also YOU to know, WHAT KIND OF PERSON I AM WHEN I CLUBBED. there'll be TOTALLY NO RESTRAIN or whatsoever...
and you asked for it.
also, it helps them to prove how "friend" they really are.
and then, probably you can say, "wah, thanks bro... i finally know what kind of girl my gf is... you're such a great friend..."
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
so tired
and check out my schedule:
Monday - Morning
Tuesday - Morning
Wednesday - FULL!!
Thurday - RD
Fri - Afternoon
Saturday - RD
Sunday - FULL!!
if you look this way, it seems like my roster not too bad, get to rest 2 days this week. but think abit deeper, my previous (and only) rest day was on Friday. so technically speaking, i worked for 5 days before expecting my this upcoming rest day. you think it's quite reasonable. but pls, i worked Morning (On Sat), Full (on Sun, x'mas eve), and Morning (on Mon). reported to work damn early, knock off way late. just counting the number of OTs accumulated for the past week, i easily clocked more than 10 hours.
and a stupid full shift on a x'mas day... i.e. Sunday.
sorry, i know i'm whiny. and i'll sleep real soon. promise you that.
anyway, YM had been quite sweet for that unfateful 3 days, meeting me after work. on the eve, we went to beach cabana for dinner. and on x'mas day, he brought me back to east coast beach, had some simple dinner at the mega foodcourt, and then we played with some fire sparklers! hur.... the beach was like quite crowded and all, so we managed to find some quieter places at the carpark and lighted the sparklers. hee! after that, carpark was like attacked by the smoke and all. lol...
so i'm working Full shift tomorrow. i doubt a 10 hours sleep could help relieve the exhuastion i have. lol. btw, i'm going MoMo tomorrow. my pay's not coming in yet and it's really mind boggling. argh.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
family woes
at my grandfather's 49th day death anniversary, all of us who could make it for that day would proceed to the temple for a ritual. but this ritual would be slightly different than other rituals because this involves getting my other ancestors. it includes my grandmother, my great-grandparents, and 2 granduncle (who's my grandfather's brothers, died in China) and my 2nd uncle. quite a crowd huh?
so i got close with one of my auntie-in-law, who probably the only person in that entire family clan be concern about my mother who's MIA from their family gathering since god-knows-when. then we started chatting and all, and got to realize how political this clan is when all the politics actually concerned over money matters. and i'm not talking about personal savings, it's my grandparent's money. till now, they're still hardup over their assets, refusing to carry out what the old people had assigned them to do after they died. sigh, and i don't want to go further into that.
then comes my dad.
do you know he actually struck a $20k 4D lottery?
best thing is, his immediate family, i.e US, know nuts about this matter. and my auntie-in-law (aka auntie Irene) was shocked that he didn't share this good news with us. so, if he didnt tell us, there wouldn't be a reason for him to part some of his winnings right?
auntie Irene was quite disgusted about the fact that my dad won some money and did not even give his children any "bonus" cash. and she was really upset about the fact that i told her when he won 4D, he never once told us. it was somehow my mum found out, and since he didn't want to share coz' he don't wish to part with his winnings, we just act dumb.
and you know something? i actually asked him for help to pay my school fees, he actually claimed he has no money already. however, i don't know whether my request came before he struck the lottery or after....
the more i think about this, the more disgusted and upsetting i get. one of these days when i'm not working on weekends, i would go to my ancestors tablet and ask them for the reason they gave my dad that windfall, and he ended up keeping up all the money to himself and none other.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
here's my schedule for the week, as promised for someone:
Mon - Morning
Tues - Afternoon
Wed - 2pm to 6pm
Thurs - Afternoon
Fri - RD
Sat - Afternoon
Sun - Morning
if you're thinking of asking me out on Fri, i only have the afternoons available. i.e before 7pm. the evenings are booked, including the late nights. *lol*
on Wed after 6pm, i may have an appointment pending for confirmation. but if you can confirm your appointment with me ASAP for Wed, well, it's a 1st come 1st serve basis.
i think everyone seems to be quite busy with their lives (which is good!) that they don't really want to update their blogs anymore... so i guess this blog thinggie became a passe already? or the PLC (product life cycle) of this fad becames saturated at this stage. *lol*
what the hell am i talking about....
my cousin's husband-to-be refuses to acknowledge the shotgun marriage, claiming that he has no money to wed and whatsoever (based on my mum).
i pity the unborn child with such a bastard father. what could be worse for both the mother and child?
both of my Manager and 2nd-in-charge spoken with me, telling me which areas they hope they would see improvement from, coz' they're hoping they could promote me to Senior II (now i'm senior III).
it's just nice to know they're in a lookout for my progress in this job... even though i'm not as keen to usurp higher authority, but i need the more cash.
so that's about it for now. TA!
Friday, December 15, 2006
unpredictable but avoidable situations
this is supposed to be a joyous occasion! however, this time it's going to be a quiet internal affair. and it's all because this marriage was uncalled for. to put it simply, it's a shotgun marriage.
it came upon as a shock, more than a pleasant surprise. somehow, it didn't occur to me this would happened to our family, and especially to her. now that reality slowly sets in, all i felt was bitter.
i wasn't her source of confidante. and i believe there was apparently NO ONE she could put her finger to. therefore, her secret was concealed till it couldn't be concealed anymore. she is 4 months pregnant now, or that's what i've heard. just 5 more months.... i just couldn't imagine it.
you know, wedding to me is something sacred, once-in-a-lifetime thinggie and therefore it should be somewhere grand, where everyone i love would come and give their blessings. and i could imagine how disappointing it is to have her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be treated so shabbily. not only that, with uncalled situations like this, who would have the mood to celebrate? also, despite we're in the millenium, the Y-generation kids, we still stay with the traditional adults with conservative mindset, how do we expect them to accept such harsh truth? worse still, these adults would only grab this opportunity to gossip and point fingers!
sigh... even if we youngsters could just go "oh ok...well, congrats", these adults would make sure their humiliation is HEARD. god, you should hear my mum, man.... she just wouldn't stop her toxicated mouth. sometimes, i get worried for her...
there's just so many questions in mind. my heart would ache when i could almost feel how traumatized she was when she found out what went wrong in her, and worse still, no one was there for her. and how come her blardy bastard husband-to-be DID NOT do ANYTHING sooner than now!
that arsehole may be 25, but seriously, i doubt he even has the capability to support a family. no, i don't have a very good impression of him despite i saw him a couple of times. well, being "looked" at from him is not exactly a very good feeling (or very right), especially when he is holding hands with my cousin. you know, that kind of gaze....
i feel that this marriage is like a no-choice thinggie. i know, shotgun was never once exactly a choice. but i felt that she couldn't hide her belly further and she doesn't have the courage to abort and therefore she just had to get married.
she's still in the midst of completing her degree, fyi. and if i'm not wrong, she's completing soon, real soon. it's like 1 or 2 more sems to go. gosh, what else could be worse?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
contents of the pretty box reveiled!
alright, so YM was smart after all. he took some pics of the contents in that pretty box i gave him. they're not exactly very clear but well, you still get to see what is it.
that TOPMAN long sleeves tee... (and the last piece!)
a $10 worth of X'mas TOPMAN gift card.... which came together with my other purchases, expiring on x'mas

and the card!
the pop-up thinggie on the envelope are chocolates which i found from The Cocoa Tree. cute thinggies huh??
he didn't take a pic of himself in this get-up i've arranged for him. but i've seen him putting them altogether and he looks good, at least to me!
don't belittle what i've got him lor! it took quite a big part off my pocket eh! all in all, it's not cheap lar. worth it or not, depends on him whether he likes the makeover and will UTILIZE what i've gotten him into his style as well.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
not in a very good condition...
so this morning, the only thing that went away was the painful sore throat. other than that, my sexy voice still stayed and a blocked nose added to the virus' collection. *groan*. i couldn't sleep the whole blardy night coz' my nose was so heavily blocked and constantly dripping with mucus. and also, i'm just not used breathing through my mouth. i woke up like every 2 hours kind of thing, just trying to clear my nose. and i went to work, feel quite giddy on the insufficient rest.
but still, i managed to work my way through the morning, however feeling a lil' grouchy.
i'm supposed to meet YM and his family for dinner but i had to give it a miss. with my sexy voice, flu, plus a heavy head, i think i'm not in the right state to go. felt quite bad though....
anyway, i went to my company's doc. you should see the amount of medicine been prescribed. i got quite a huge bot of non-drowsy cough mixture, 2 types of flu medicine - drowsy for the night, non-drowsy for day, huge antibiotics, lozenges, and medicine for hoarse voice.... all for just $5!! ooh... i just love my company suddenly. imagine how much would that cost me if i'm to pop by Raffles Medical....
ok, i think i'm getting drowsy. man, that small flu pill is damn powerful lor.... okie, hopefully, i'll still be able to wake up for tomorrow's shift...
i love my boy... love you too... =)
Monday, December 04, 2006
don't talk to me!!
well, simply coz' i can't talk.... properly. no voice!
i guess i suffered from a full blown flu attack. no, i'm not having any flu or whatsoever, but it's just from flu virus spreading around in the shop. in centerpoint, we jokingly said it's the "in-charge virus". so happened that all the in-charges got it, except the other staffs. -.-" yeah, we're bored when they came up with that.
but i still have nimble fingers to get by. i can still chat online, fastest-fingers' text messaging and all, EXCEPT talk. darn.
i didn't go class today. i'm coughing so badly the whole day that i was desperate enough to buy some cough remedy from guardian. didn't help much coz' i was still working, and i still have to interact with customers and all. so it's as good as i didn't rest my throat... hmph.
with all the energy spent on coughing, i need to recuperate soon. getting giddy and weak already. if i'm going to carrying on coughing this badly, i'll develop asthma soon. and i can start to feel myself wheezing... bleah!
okie ppl, i'll be a good girl and rest early today ya?
miss all of you people out there.... you know you're so dear to me? *muacks!*
Saturday, December 02, 2006
YM's present...

quite surprised that he wasn't home when i got there. so i left it at his doorstep....
..... hopefully no one else takes it!
what is inside the box? well, i'll leave it up to him to discover himself. they're all the essentials for a slight makeover i've prepared for him. and also, we just have to wait and see whether he's sensible enough to take pictures and all.... *lol*
Friday, December 01, 2006
but when work's over, i can't stop thinking.... and i was hoping i could find someone to distract me at the moment, but somehow, just none.
i feel sucky coz' i couldn't relate what's bothering me to anyone, not for now. i think i'm just hoping it would go away or something... but till then, i'm also hoping i could do something to end this misery...
what's worse? i think i'm falling sick. having a bad throat, lack of appetite, a slight blocked nose, an aching growing wisdom tooth, and also few attemptions to puke. believe that flu bug caught me...
issit because these the aftermath symptoms of ****? i didn't have the urge to **** and therefore i'm not intending to continue ****, which is only reserved for some occasions. i sincerely hope that's not the case.
i need some company, accompanied by some booze... but there's no booze, no company.
p/s the number of **** has nothing got to do with the word that i won't tell. so don't bother guessing... LOL.
i have freedom, i have the kind of love i'm looking for... so what i'm missing? why do i still feel empty?
i can't find myself....
Monday, November 27, 2006
my 1st day of.... almost everything.
i went to work, and everything seems to be an okay start off. even though this morning, seriously, i kinda have difficulty in waking up. i mean, the sign in time is earlier by half-an-hour, and due to a longer travelling time, i have to wake up about an hour earlier. haix. not only that, the shop was in a quite messy state for a proper welcome. so i guess, whoever was working yesterday night, had no intention to even tidy the shop for a proper handover since that whoever should be his/her last day in Centrepoint. i'm quite disappointed and pretty pissed about that, really.
nonetheless, this is my 1st promotion as a 3rd-in-charge and it feels a lil' different. and i hope i'll be able to work well with my superiors, aka my SM and 2nd-in-charge. and also, with their guidance and cooperation, make CP3's standard increase.
the shop's pretty small but have a stronger buying power compared to BJ. so, i think i should be quite fine in handling the people.
about school, my lecturer's pretty funny. his dramatic actions and almost-seemed-like-shouting teachings can be quite hilarious, i feel. also, he keeps pacing back and forth, from the door to his lappie, cutting across the projector screen. it's not exactly distracting if you're paying attention. just that at the end of the day, my neck muscles are slightly strained. *lol*.
i was briefed on the projects and all.... sigh. stress level just keeps increasing....
so i guess my day's pretty alright. fyi, my classes are faithfully on every Monday and Friday. and i don't know that's a good thing or what. hmm.
alright, i need to go sleep liao. super sleepy. i guess it'll be perfect if i'm on Afternoon shift tomorrow but alas, i'm Morning... nonetheless, i get to go off early at 6pm. well, not totally a bad thing as well. =)
at the meantime, adios!
Friday, November 24, 2006
i got transferred... for real this time
there's no news about myself going anywhere. and suddenly, my SM msged me, telling me i'll be transferring to CentrePoint as a 3rd and to send my request for next week directly to them. i was quite stunned. yes, i'm promoted in a way. but i was getting comfortable as a supporting senior. no point being a 3rd actually, when there's no increment on salary. bah!
so, is my SM still moving over to Centrepoint? or there's still some last minute changes that i wasn't aware? or, she's going over with me? hmmm... how i wish i know some more.
i guess, as long as i'm not working with that bastard PC, it should be better for me. nonetheless, i will have much more responsibilities now, which i'm totally not interested. aiya, i just want to work to get the money, finish off my degree with it and that's that. hng! unless got more money, then i don't mind la... hahahaha...
ok, i'll be reporting to new premises on Monday. hope this transfer is a blessing in disguise for me...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
going to expect some more movements in the shop...
and somehow i overheard a conversation of PC, that bastard, with another part-timer. he asked her if she would follow him over to another shop if he goes over, but he refuses to tell her any details like what happened or where he'll be going to.
i don't know what's that part-timer's reply, but i'm thinking that if she said no, she wanted to stay, PC would feel damn betrayed. after all, they have been working together in BJ for more than a year and have been on good-terms with each other. and i think, only she could tolerate him. ha!
if based on what i've heard, maybe there's a possibility that he's moving out. which is a DAMN BLARDY GOOD NEWS FOR ME!! i mean, after i've tolerated all his craps, bullies and other nonsense for almost one year, finally my silent prayers would be answered!! and also, i STRONGLY BELIEVED that the rest of us would be relieved from his reigns. *lol* almost nobody, and i seriously mean it, could work peacefully with him. even Calista, once her favorite "little brother", couldn't tolerate him. what else could be worse?
it's still too early to say. 1stly, my Area Manager is on reservice, and have to wait for him to come back to break any news to me (and also the rest of us); and 2ndly, this is only afterall what i've heard but may not come true (even though i'll pray and pray and pray that he'll go away).
OMG. just imagining the day without seeing him in our roster ANYMORE would make me feel like popping champagne to celebrate!
also, just to make a quick announcement:
I've remaining 20 coupons of 40% off regular price items, which valids only for 3 fateful days. i.e 24th Nov to 26th Nov. so drop by Bugis Junction to look for me k?
p.s. only for people whom i know as friends ah! those anonymous readers look for me also no use hor!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
yay!! it's over!!
it still feels so good. definitely still having the kind of burden lifted off my shoulders. can breathe properly now.... hahaha...
anyway, YM brought me to Bugis Fish & Co for dinner. yummy!!
our dinner!!
our drinks... super big freeze!
the aftermath.... *lol*
ok, needa go rest liao. working a blardy full shift tomorrow. haix... how demoralizing. till then, take care!
anyway, i finally mustered up my courage (and i think my ego's involved), i asked her. 1stly, i'm not sure if she's being serious and all, so basically i'm afraid she'll be like, "i thought you're not keen in it?". but i did the right move about asking, since i wanted to open up my chances.
guess what was the reply? this was her reply:
"hey, i hate to tell you this: i brought up your name to Ann* and she said no coz she's afraid of losing key sales people during the busy seling period.... i wanted to tell you this afternoon but just didn't have the heart to...."
fyi, Ann is Gio's GM.
i'm grateful for her honest reply. didn't know Ann practices cliches... *lol*
since when i was a "key sales people"? also, i don't think she remembers me.... yes, she did came by Bugis a couple of times and she addressed me by my name (coz i got my name tag on mah!). but i seriously doubt she remembered who i am, unless i'm such a "key person" in Bugis, which is not.
even though Ann did have a point there but i felt that me, as such a small and insignificant character, i doubt would be contributing much and BJ wouldn't be in any worser pathetic state without me around than it already is now.
anyway, i told Vic that i'm still keeping my options open even though logically speaking, the sales period would only be over after CNY. specifically speaking - March '07. and till then, i seriously doubt Gladys (the merchandiser) would be able to survive without her assistant for such a long period of time. so most likely they would get someone outside to fill up the place. its common sense, isn't it?
i told her to keep me updated, and also told her my intentions to move out of the front line even though i'm not actively looking for a job.
it's quite sad lah, but i'm okay. i thought this opportunity came quite a good time for me, but apparently, not for Ann. after all, since i'm taking my leave for the Thailand hols, it'll be easier to request as an office staff than a retail staff. darn. thought it'll be a blessing for me....
i don't think i can do anything now, but just wait and see. maybe after x'mas and new year? i don't know... my hopes are dimmed already.
Monday, November 20, 2006
i'm getting incoherent
thanks lor.
and i'm like studying for my Marcom and Advertising tests, both clashing on the same day - 21st Nov. Marcom at 1pm, and Advertising at 6pm. it's a 2 hours test. haix.
somehow it struck me how come i felt that working is a blessing in diguise, at times.
i'm tired, but i'm not yet through with Marcom yet. i've to finish today, or not, i won't have time to start with Advertising. i will burn the midnight oil, since i can still afford to. that is what i have to pay with last minute muggings.
anyway, i can't wait to get over with this semester.... the tests are getting a toil on me, and should be arranged earlier, not now.
and of all days, my auntie came today.... argh!
check out these REAL cuties!!!

don't they just melt your heart!!? if only Fuji's still like that now... but i still love Fuji, even though he's 4 years old already. =)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
a knocking opportunity?
anyway, that's not my point of today's entry la. it's just a short distraction... and also, it's a REMINDER for my fellow girlfriends who're going with me. kekekeke...
okay, craps aside.
before i knock off today, one of Gio's office people, who happened to be quite "gam" with me dropped by BJ. she saw me, naturally, and said hi. so, she happened to be on half-day's leave and accompanied her mother to do some shopping. her name's Victoria (somehow i do have some affinity with people who're named Victoria huh?).
anyway, Vic is in her mid-twenties and just joined Gio not too long ago. she is our buyer, where she would be looking into clothes from our HK HQ and deciding whether to bring it in to SG. so, when she dropped by, she would gather feedback from some product lines that was brought in, by her and not.
so we're chatting and all, since i was told to sign out for the day. then suddenly, she popped up a question if i'm interested to be a merchandiser. i believe that wasn't her motive of coming by, and it really caught me by surprised. i asked why she asked. she said Gladys (the senior merchandiser, if i'm not wrong) is looking for an assistant to assist her. and she felt that since i'm from the front line sales, i would know what's going on. in addition, she also felt that i should be able to do the job.
she added that she would recommend me to Gladys and talked to the HR, knowing they would appreciate her suggestions. i don't know when she would have this opportunity to talk to them about me... or whether she's being serious, even though i know she's serious about this.
i can't exactly remember what i told her about her recommendation coz' after she asked me, my mind went into a frenzy. so i guess i was on an auto-pilot mode, where i reacted as i was supposed to react. and i don't know how i reacted. haa....
i couldn't help pondering over this. i don't know if this would be an opportunity for me to go back to the office society, or it's all too fast to go back now, since i've started studies not too long ago. despite that i did a couple of times considered my options to go back to work in the office, i somehow not too sure of myself.
ker ker did advised me on this before, and thought it would be best not for me to go look for new job opportunities. but now hor, someone MIGHT be offering me lor!
i spoke with YM and he encouraged me to go. i mean, he's thinking that having a stable income (and probably slightly higher), plus a much predictable working hours are favorable for me. and of course, i agree with him. but nonetheless, what i've observed the backend office operations, it's considered messy.
actually, i'm anticipating if i'll be receiving any call from Gladys though. i'm curious, and also hunger for a change... think i could only hope for the best, in a way.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
irresistable addict!
somehow, i have this serious itch in shopping, even if it's for something cheap. and recently, i found out that i'm a sucker for accessories. it ranges from earrings to belts and sometimes the cheap blink blinks. on top of that, i've bought 3 new disney tops at $9/ea from a Giordano Atrium Sale at Jurong Point yesterday, when i was reliefing there. also, i went to Sasa and bought 2 small sample-type of perfume - one for me and another for YM, which cost me 20 bucks.
i guess, ever since i got my Topshop card and i kind of drained almost all of the credits inside, i couldn't stop this addiction of shopping. i may not be shopping for the real expensive stuff, but those small small things i get for myself are also bad enough.
it is said that shopping is theraputic (maybe not for men), and of coz', i feel good to buy things that would make me look better. which irks me to think what's bothering me, to the extend where i have subconciously took up this addiction. due to work stress? hunger to feel prettier coz' my low self-confidence is eating on me lately? i wished i have answers to this....
and to make matters worse (and at the same time better...), my bro presented me with $200 worth of cash vouchers from Takashimaya!! it's for my belated bday present la... or else, you think he's so good meh? also, he didn't spend a cent to get those vouchers anyway. but still!! this just gonna make me continue my addiction, isn't it?
before i go off, watch this video. it'll cheer you up somehow, if you're having a bad day. but if you're not, it'll make u feel worthy as a student, altogether. as it works for me, somehow. =)
NTU lecturer Feedback Damn Funny..
Saturday, November 04, 2006
running out of time
i'm feeling stress and restless. i had to seek comfort in food so i can still tolerate further. also, i just can't concentrate, keep stretching and yawning away. boy, i hate this kind of feeling. i can't help distracting myself. it's like so me when i'm in primary school, where i was forced to do my homework and assessments. i thought i've grown out of that...
can someone help? or else i'm going to make myself some cadbury chocolate dinosaur.... and it's sinful la, ok?!
Friday, November 03, 2006
funeral ended.
i sincerely thank my friends who wanted to come and visit me at the funeral. i hope i wasn't too harsh about you guyz not coming over. i have my point of views la. and i felt it wasn't necessary.
1stly, funeral was not a joyous piece of news to be shared around. so i would rather keep mum and low profile about it.
2ndly, it's not very good for you guyz la. take it as i'm superstitous, but i meant well. funeral after all, if it's not a relative's, it's better not to attend. it's just.... no good la.
so, my granddaddy's being cremated. my heart felt painful when his nicely decorated-with-flowers coffin being transported to the furnace. i prayed silently, hoping he would find peace. and today, we're supposed to go collect his remains after yesterday's cremation. i couldn't go becoz' i gotta work. and it's a blardy FULL shift lor. !#$%@
his remains would be at the same temple with YM's grandfather. so when YM goes over, i'll tag along to pray ah gong as well. and i've yet to find out where's my grandma's tablet be since it's also at the same temple. and also, maybe can intro YM's grandfather to my grandparents, so can be friends friends ma, hor? kekekeke... you know i'm joking. DUH!
i'll be off on Sat and Sun coz' i got test to attend to.
so till then, i needa sleep liao. super sleepy. i'm a morning shift lor! argh! stupid planner. anyway, the roster planner is facing some problems now. apparently she somehow discovered and/or suspected that her BF is a married man with a kid! hmm.... poor girlie...
i'm such a gossiper! kekekeke...
i empathize her situation but i still feel her roster planning sucks. bleah!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
my granddaddy's still around... i think
anyway, my cousin just told me that his wife saw ah gong. *pause* and he explained that sometimes she can see "things". she saw him, standing next to his coffin, holding 3 yellow pieces of paper (i don't know what's that), looking at the basin which was burning incense papers for him.
the thing is: she can't see his legs.
he added on saying that now he understands why she was shivering when she was made to pay her last respects before they leaves with their baby. after telling him what she saw, she thought it through that there wasn't a reason for her to be afraid since he was our grandfather. there's no reason for her to be afraid.
also for today, there was a ritual for him. and the bunch of followers (aka the people whom we paid them to carry out the ritual) were one hell of a let down. one of them told us to get ready for the ritual, some of them still playing mahjong (they brought their own set!). i guess granddaddy knew we're frustrated with them. the lights for the tentage where they would carry out the ritual suddenly black out! almost immediately, the "sai gong" scolded them to stop playing.
sure enough, the lights came back on.
most of my cousins and relatives saw what happened and they were laughing to themselves. somehow they understood how impatient my grandfather would be. and they all knew the "sai gong" knew. or not, he wouldn't scold his fellow colleagues.
i felt his presence at times. however, i'm not that "sensitive". i'm still hoping i'll see him, someday, smiling at me...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
our last farewell
life can be so ironic. one moment i was enjoying myself, and the other, i was made to send my grandfather off his last journey. he passed on yesterday evening, somewhere around 8.45pm.
nobody really cried. maybe coz' it was too sudden. he suddenly not breathing and all, and his pulse slowly weakened. when i arrived, i touched him. his body was already lifeless, however, still slightly warm. so i guess i was a tad bit late despite i took a cab down. and my aunties and all still debating if he's still alive or had he leave for good. i guess he was, but just that life in him quietly slipping away.
i was pretty numb about the whole incident. i felt sad, naturally. however, it didn't tug my heart. perhaps i wasn't close to him in the 1st place, and also being the "girl" in that family was just not significant in the household. so since i wasn't really bothered in the family, i wasn't really bothered about them as well. sad case huh? anyway, he died peacefully. that's as far as i can see.
but i'm wondering how come he left so quietly. is it that he's contented almost everyone turned up at his near-deathbed yesterday? or is it because he didn't want us to stop him from leaving? how i wished he had some energy to tell us... anything.
i wished i could see "something". i must be crazy to wish for that but at this moment, i just wanna see "it". actually, i hope to see my granddad again...
goodbye, ah gong.a small shopping spree!
since i got my topshop card, might as well utilized it. and i seriously can't wait to use it! i gotten myself 4 topshop knickers (aka underwear la) and 2 basic tops which i love it to bits! woo! they're like going for a bundle price of "buy 2 for 20% off". so get 2 lah! i'm feeling so contented. ha!
it's really nice hor?? i just LOVE topshop. such a sinful indulgence... at least for me la. hahaha...
also, i finally DID it!! Navel Piercing!! OMG! i just can't believe i ACTUALLY did that!! it didn't cost me cheap though. it did hurt, not too badly. now i'm pretty terrified about the maintenance part. quite worried about infecting it. and earlier, it did bled slightly coz' i accidentally knocked onto it. ouch!
i took pictures of it but i thought it'll be abit too much for the weak hearted. even looking at it closed up, i felt the gore. hahaha... anyway, that's to mark my 22nd bday. i must be mad right?
i'm a happie girl today!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
i'm on RD today. yesterday, i was assigned to go to warehouse to help tally stock for our set up of "new" BJ on the 30th this month. so if we're to complete all of the cartons assigned to our shops by yesterday, we'll need not to go back today. and by 6.30pm yesterday, everything was done. ha!
as for today, i'll be going out with YM. and also, going back to vivocity's GV to see if they found my coin purse. i tink i dropped it there after a late night movie with YM. =/ i have my driving license and debit mini inside. so i'm REALLY to lose it for good, i'll be sad. REAL upset.
also, i'm intending to do the extreme. i'll let u guyz know in time! hur... it's something i wanna do for quite a while back. and you can only do that when you're still young! kekeke... i mentioned before but hadn't really go ahead with it... so, this is jux a belated bday for myself! *grinz*
ok, i gtg. love you guyz alright?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
HAPPIE belated 22nd BDAY TO ME!
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to ME!
hey guess what? i just got back from work. and literally spent the whole day, working. bravo, isn't it? i'm such a sad case, i tell you.
actually, quite pissed from the day i've started work. no one informed me the change in roster. in the end, still thinking i was in Morning shift and hafta helped out at the atrium, dragged myself out of bed and in the end, they told me i was in Afternoon instead. bloody hell. this kind of thing is a NO JOKE ok!? so i ended up helping them to clear the deliveries of the day as part of "commitment". luckily i wasn't the only person got affected. ha!
anyway, it's my RD tomorrow (i haven't sleep yet, so not counted today). most likely i'm resting at home, not as if i'll be able to go anywhere by myself. 1stly, no money liao; and 2ndly, everyone else's working. that thought somehow depresses me. haa...
alrightey, gotta go sleep liao. have to settle the enrolment thinggie tomorrow, but seriously, i'm SUPER lazy to go out if i've intention to nuah....
love you guyz for remembering my bday! *muacks!*
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
it's nice to be loved by loved ones. definitely. most importantly, their love are made known to you!
i kind of celebrated my 22nd bday on Saturday. surprises after surprises! hahaha!! and it's nice to know YM planned all these for me. and he refuses to tell me even a wee bit of what's going on. and it's frustrating, to an extend.
i even quarrelled with him earlier that day. maybe i was too hungry, to the extend i've lost my appetite. and things doesn't seem to go right that day. i admitted i was petty and feeling really edgey, plus i was tired after work. but luckily things got better when i managed to go shopping... perhaps that releases some part of the angst in me. haaa... retail therapy ALWAYS works!
anyway, he somehow arranged with Hua, Mei Mei, CK and Justin to meet up at Beach Cabana - one of our favourite chill out place. the girls even got me really REALLY sweet-looking cupcakes! woo, i LoOOOoovE it soOOOoooo MUCH (even though it's really SwEeEt)!! and they wrapped it up with S$?? vouchers from Dashing Diva. =D

they really know me to CORE, don't they? aiyooOoo!
YM wrapped up the day with his part of surprises. pics are not avail now coz' i haven't uploaded it. wanna know what he had up in his sleeves? kekeke...
he presented to me an organizer for yr 2007, a cute doggie carrying a basket and he filled it with 22 personal notes (the very 1st note was placed in a small glass test tube), AND a S$?? Topshop gift cashcard!!!! he's a real sweetheart isn't he!? in addition, he did up something for me as well, which is best shown in pics. i'll prolly show it to you peeps soon... =D
the organizer was something i wanted to get myself again. i used to have one but somehow i've misplaced it. and i made real good use for that. apparently, it worked better for me compared myself owning a pocket PC. maybe, i enjoyed writing as it gives me something to be accountable for.... ok, i'm getting weird.
and as for the giftcard, it's completely way out of my expectations. (in fact, all of his surprises were never once in my list of suspicions. haaa!). i wouldn't reveal how much it is contained inside but i'm opening up to invitation to shop with me at TopShop! *grinz*
how i wished Saturday was my birthday itself. i always felt that it's better meaningful to celebrate on the actual day than advanced or belated. don't you think? nonetheless, i shouldn't be complaining. i should be contented. in fact, i AM contented. i couldn't ask for more, could i?
so, some photos to add some spice to this entry.
sunflower and me!
unbelieveable of what's before my eyes....!
enjoying every moment of this....
toast to the cupcakes!
i love these girlies!
thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for making all this memorable...
Monday, October 16, 2006
i mean, i'm getting a year older and that's not exactly something to be rejoiced. maybe when i'm still below 21, and that's when i really looked forward to grow older. for now, i wish time would just stop ticking.
other than that, it's my birthday! once a year thinggie, how could anyone not really looking forward to it? after all, to me, it is a sacred day - a day where i thank my prayers for being healthy to celebrate life and able to watch the world goes by. so surreal isn't it? hhaha....
i don't know what i want this year. other than materialistic demands, i can't think of anything else that could soothe my draining soul. maybe, the only thing i yearned right now is a meet up with all my good friends, aka my buddies. people i've missed so much: bellie, rara, mun, flora and mei mei. i missed all the "catching up" sessions. it's readily put in forms of slumber party, majong sessions, clubbing, bitching sessions at Pac Cafe or any coffee houses, or even festivals celebrations. i can't help getting emotional here....
allow me to hug you guyz when i see you the next time? that's the only present that i'll ask from you.... please? =D
Saturday, October 14, 2006
the projects are really worrying me ultimately, as for now. it's just tough to get working groupmates to be abit more committed towards school. Monday is the dateline and yet i'm surprised how can one not be jittery and no sense of urgency at all, especially when someone else is doing the compilation for them.
anyway, i'm considering to just take up one module next sem. i've heard from my other classmates that next sem is a REAL short one. and considering the workload from projects and also year-end sales for 2006 (X'mas and NY)... it'll be awfully draining for me. the only trade off for this choice is that i'll get to finish my degree about one sem later, depending on my choice of modules for the remaining semesters. in addition, i just want to give myself some space for other activities to balance off my lifestyle, other than just work and school. good choice? hmm...
i gotta go now.
but i just wanna say: i still love clubbing.
Friday, October 06, 2006
everything was a MISTAKE?!!
just when i've gotten myself emotionally and mentally prepared for the best and the worst...
i thought i should be happy coz' i'm beginning to accept new challenges. and also, i don't have to work with PC anymore. however, i'm pretty upset to be leaving the rest of my good colleagues. and it did took me some time to digest the fact that i'm leaving....
staying means back to square one.
now, i don't know how to react. should i be happy or sad that i'm not leaving?
i'm having this serious problem about handling my project and work. when i'm home, i'll be too tired to complete my part of project and i had this tendency to postpone and postpone till i had no choice but to clear them before meet up. i hate this feeling, really. i wished i would be more proactive....
anyway, i got a news to share:
i'll be transferring out of Bugis Junction, with effect from this Monday.
guess where i'll be going? Vivo City. heard of it before? it's located at Harborfront, and i've never been there or knew there's a new building other than the Harborfront centre.
i don't know why i'm the chosen one. i don't know if it's a blessing in disguise. so much of mixed feelings in me. i'm so worried that i wouldn't be able to perform up to standard since they said Vivo City's Giordano is even bigger than that of Taka's. =.=
going to school may not be too big of a hassle coz' i may have a direct train from Harborfront to Dhoby Ghaut. but going to work will be a chore for me. i have a direct bus ride from Bedok but the journey takes about 30 to 40 mins. sigh... furthermore, it's a total new environment and all.... just when i'm thinking i'm almost not able to handle schoolwork and all, i'm the chosen one. bigger shop, more stressed - that's for sure.
i need to catch up some of my sleep. and need to wake up quite early tomorrow to complete my part of projects. and i haven't even started!!! argh, kill me!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i'm getting tired, and drained out. juggling full time work and part-time studies is really a no joke. and rest days are not rest days anymore. because, part of my rest days are occupied with project meetings. and i NEED the rest days to finish my part of the project as well. and i also need some break, don't i?
that's why recently, i've been considering to convert to part-time instead. i know financially i'll be strained, but i kind of trade it off with proper rest. i'm not sure whether that's a good deal...
to cheer myself up, i finally gotten my lappie. hur. but its a long way to collect it lo. coz' the sales person is actually situated at Bukit Timah's courts. so since i didn't want them to deliver to my place (coz' i don't have money to pay the 1st instalment at that time), i have to literally go down to take. and YM drove me there.
right now, my lappie is still resting in its box. i haven't took it out yet. i don't have time to explore at the moment coz' i need to do my project. also, it didn't come with MS Office. so, that didn't help to alleviate my current situation. haix. everything also no time!
i'm so tired...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
is the worse over yet?
and that's only a mid-term test. faint!
also, my parent's divorce are finalized. my mum's moving out with my brothers, and since everyone's moving out, i might as well stay in. somehow, i still can't really accept the fact that things were "finalized". it's so surreal, especially to have to know my parents are not going to stay together like they had for the past 30 years.
life's about changing, isn't it?
Saturday, September 23, 2006
getting disfigured...
anyway, those little bumps on my face are what i called "prickles". heard them before? they usually appear when the skin comes in contact with dirt or dust on fabric. and i think i gotten them from my pillow, coz' i was lying on my sides and suddenly i felt my face itch. the best part is, "prickles" wasn't just that side of my face, it somehow was spread across my entire forehead to my temples. and today, my cheeks and chin somehow got it as well.
i don't think it's anything to do with my cleansers or my makeup. i've been using them till finishing and none of these symptoms came. and with my sensitive skin, reaction would have surfaced the moment i used any of those stuff.
so i put my bet on the contaminated or unfreshed oysters i've eaten with YM @ Blk 85. he ordered "or lua". even though i didn't take much, but i know my body just have some reaction to unfreshed seafood. but why does it have to take out on my face??? argh...
right now, my foundation are still able to conceal the redness. however, there's still bumps. haix... help help...
hope i'll recover by tomorrow....
Friday, September 22, 2006
recently, there was a theft case involved. no one had the faintest idea of who, when, or what happened. all we knew was Annual Stock Take had been postponed. so yesterday, was the moment of truth.
K, our new SM, was found guilty.
it's like, OMFG!! endless questions were running through my head. most of us looked up to her, even though she's a butch. she's a fun person to work with, and most importantly she "protects" her full-timers. the feeling of her doing such things was so surreal. something i believe none of us would expect.
anyway, it was money involved. and a pretty huge sum was missing. therefore, it could be easily traced. but somehow, is it all worth it?
it's so sad. and it kinds of affects the team's morale. worse still, my AM said there'll be no SM coming over and he's putting it that way at the moment. damn! my that 2nd would really be in-charge now. i don't know whether she would be promoted due to this case but, i sincerely hope not. maybe not when i'm still around in BJ. hey, leaders are super important one lor...
anyway, she plans sucky roster, that's for sure. ha...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i'm feeling such a dumbass...
i had this pretty heated argument with him. believe he has been quite a big bully from the time i know him. even my other colleagues felt that he always picked on me, and god knows why. he has given me a hard time almost since the day i know him. not only that, he has completely no respect for me or others in the shop. basically because he felt he knew alot more than the other staff who came in later or much later than him, regardless of the position the newcomer may be. imagine, i'm a Senior in BJ and he's a part-timer, he could actually command ME to do things? what audacity he has huh??!
anyway, i think it's time that i fought for myself. he gladly stepped over my head since Day 1, knowing the fact i wasn't all-knowing. he even sarcastically said that he worked here for more than a year and he didn't even gotten any complains, whereas i kena once. and he continued saying that he has never failed a MS (mystery shopper's evaluation) before as well, whereas i failed twice.
gosh, such loser.
however, little did he expect that my failure may be worse than him, but my successes are much more significant than him! i told him that, and it kinds of shut him up. c'mon lo. i'll learn from my mistakes lo. if i'm still that bad, do you think my Area Manager would even give me a thumbs up for my improvement? hng! i doubt he even know that lor! still so much hot air! as if i'm like him, literally GO to almost everyone (sometimes even customers) and ASK for compliments if he felt he did the right thing. such cheapskate right!?
so, perhaps you guys can do me this simple favor: pop by BJ when i'm not around, gives him a real BLARDY hard time and see what kind of attitude he'll give you, EVEN as a customer. then, immediately flush down a complain letter to our customer service! wahahaha.... can't wait to gloat man!! and i doubt they'll take that as some conspiracy. kekeke....
anyway, i know what his reactions would be - defensive. TOTALLY defensive. he has such HUGE ego that i just can't help but to deflate it. i even got feedback from other part-timers that he has this "chao kuan", where he enjoys insulting other people but cannot take it when others poke him back. he's ultimate petty, full of crap and shits, and totally disrespectful. i sincerely hope i'll be there to see the day he FALLS.
although i fought for my rights, i didn't feel very good overall. coz' it affects the team morale, and i never felt good quarrelling with someone even though it's for a good cause.
so my mood was dragged to later the evening.
i was caught in between both classmates - trying to push the problem to each other. it all started when my guy classmate, L, decided to consolidate names to photocopy the text, and my girlfriend, M, not too sure if she got the correct text with her. somehow or rather, L decided to proceed with the photocopy despite that he wasn't sure if M wanted the book. 2 days later, M told L that she need not the book anymore coz' she had the right edition. so, i've no idea how come L only gotten back to me (he didn't have M's number) that he wasn't able to cancel the order. he said the auntie gave him the "special" price coz' he wanted to print 10 or more books and he had exactly 10 books to be printed. so by adjusting the number lower, the prices would revert to its original. and i guessed L thought for eveybody's pocket so he decided to proceed. how i know he decided to leave the problem with M to solve, and M is not willing to entertain his nonsense since she felt she has given him ample time to cancel her order?
so with all the reluctance and i'm like the middleman for the both of them, i decided to absorb the book, thinking that it wouldn't be too tough for me to find a buyer. however, little did i know that almost everyone in my class has gotten their texts! so i'm like stuck with 2 texts now.
i feel so lousy coz' i've not enough cash to tide me over to next week. and i've like already borrowed a hundred from my mum and it's just not nice to borrow more from her. somehow, i'm such a smart alec, doing the wrong things thinking it's right. argh!
YM said i'm too nice, constantly thinking for other people but not myself. maybe i am, but i don't feel that way.
i feel so lousy....
Sunday, September 17, 2006
a hustle and bustle week!
1stly, it was transitioning from a normal, function store to a price point store. meaning to say, we'd changed into a budget store, selling all the heavily discounted items. price ranges from as low as $6 to $19. and a denim jeans jacket used to be $79, now priced at $19! wah! anyway, the items are past seasoned items which the warehouse needed to clear stock.
so i remember on Sunday night, ALL regular priced items and other items which are not supposed to be in Bugis are to be returned to warehouse or to other stores. i stayed till 11pm that day. afterwhich my shift the next day is actually Morning.
the following 3 days till Wednesday are all Morning shifts and i went home late as usual coz' i had classes. after that, i was in the Afternoon shift on Thursday but worked till 10.30pm. and that very night we had to stock out all the price point items again! they said we're converting back to function store. kaoz!
so the following morning, had to report as early as 8am to help re-setup of the whole blardy store again (and i'm on Full shift lor!!). but this time, we're converting to a much higher-end of function store, i.e. Pseudo. i don't know how that is pronounced. all i know is we're some sort of an image store already. and seriously, it felt different working for a lelong outlet and an image outlet.
all the hassle and bustle really drained me out, totally. finally, my Rest Day is today. and i have a test tomorrow, 10 blardy chapters to cover. =.=
2ndly, i finally gotten my payslip! so dumb! and i was darn right about them shortchanging me! angry!!
they deducted my non-paid leave for a good whole 5 days! neh neh! it's supposed to be 3 days not 5 days lor! even though i've taken 5 days of leave, but in my roster, they've given me 2 rest days among the total number of leaves. ARSEHOLE! and somemore, i was supposed to receive DOUBLE commission based on me being Raffles Place staff. but i believed they thought i was still Bugis staff at that point in time. so i didn't receive my full commission. ARGH! so in total, i'm expecting about another 250 from the company.
with those already in my pocket, i would have paid my stupid instalment and would be using my lappie NOW lor!! and i wouldn't have to borrow from my mum lor!!!
damn pissed!
ya, i did talked to my Area Manager. glad that he would clarify for me. how long it gonna take, i dunno. and i have this bloody gut feeling that my commission discrepancies would continue this month when i'm to receive my pay. coz' i would officially be Bugis's staff last week onwards due to my confirmation but last month, as an RP staff, we hit the double commission thinggie as well. grr...
so, that pretty much sums up my hectic week. i haven't started studying yet. heh. and i'm meeting one of my classmates to do project later. haix.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
AIYAAAAA, when's my extra commission coming in?!?!?!
like i shared with my 3rd-in-charge, somehow Giordano management seems to be quite insincere about the commission plan. we strived so hard to hit the sales and earn money for the company, they somehow get so insensitive and overlooked it. of course, that may not be the case lar, but waiting for the blardy pay slip to come takes ages lor! and the best part is that there doesn't seem to be any news whether when they'll pay us back. *grumble* need the money lar!
anyway, i just watched Monster House. not too bad show. think it should be my 1st cartoon horror show and yet captivating! hur. no money liao, still watch movie eh. die la. at least it kinds of make my money worth. i like the storyline too. easy to grasp. YM was like laughing out LOUD lor, coz one of the character super act, damn cute. people like mei mei, CK, justin, Hua and Mun, should go catch it. hehehe...
also, i haven't collected my lappie yet. i lent YM some cash and i'm now real low on cash, no money to pay the 1st instalment. ha. so embarassing actually. i think the salesperson wouldn't come hound on me yet coz' i don't think he has that good following up skills. just because of that stupid commission lor! HAIX!
i'm working again tomorrow after class. haix. so tired really. when i 1st joined Giordano, i could still enjoy the 3 days 1 rest routine. now, work 5 to 6 days then rest once. so "wah lau" lor.
and i FINALLY confirm liao wor! my Area Manager informed me. he said it would be as early as the 1st. when he said that, i think it's 1st of this month hor? coz' he did share that he hadn't get the chance to see me till that day when i was at RP. yay! only 100 bucks more, better than nothing hor? but now the thing is, I DON'T WANT TO BE TRANSFERRED TO ANYWHERE ELSE! sincerely hoping i would stay in RP!!
now i can concentrate my on studies, since i've managed to cross the 1st hurdle. =) and hopes everything else falls in as per planned.
actually, now i'm thinking of moving to the office. but as what? i don't know... well, it's just a thought coz' i'm abit tired of retail lah. and that doesn't mean anything. maybe i'm beginning to miss the routined life. i'm ficker, i know. i've yet to meet a good boss/company that would take care of employees' welfare. but at the moment, i just have to bear the retail hours for another 6 more months or so before trying my luck to get into Gior's backend operations.
somehow, i can't wait for that day to come!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
somemore bo liaoz....
Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl |
Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it! |
okie... gotta go work liaoz!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
my life is sucha BORE!
it's already 5pm. how much time i've wasted doing NOTHING since i woke up this morning at 9.30am. only surfing aimlessly online just to kill time.
sometimes i can't help wondering if i've tons of cash where i could actually complained that movies aren't producing fast enough to feed my needs, where i could whine about having too many friends that i don't have enough time to meet all of them. and prolly when i've finished the last batch of friends to meet up, it'll take me 2 months before i could repeat the cycle, starting back from the 1st batch of friends to meet.
i'm pathetic isn't it?
my life is all about struggling with meagre income, the threat from management in the company about it's-ur-business-if-you-didn't-hit-the-target-for-the-month (bloody hell), being a lost sheep about studies and projects, no time and money for leisure activites like retail therapy and clubbing, bearing through a mindless war at home among 2 grown-up kids... and the list just continues! when will be the time where i would say things like, "geez, i don't know what i want. erm, i just have EVERYTHING!" that ranges from endless supplies of clothes and accessories from Gucci, Chanel and YSL, lingeries strictly from Victoria's Secret, a range of sedan cars, a private yatch and jet, and maybe a Zoo to add the neverending collection. i think that will never come.
if only my dad is Hilton, or Richie. or my mumsie a Taylor, even if i've lotsa dads in return. life would be SOoO much more different. i can be a spoilt brat but no one would make a notion out of it. even my stinky fart, paparazies would splat it across the magazines and make a huge deal out if it, telling people how it could nuclearize the earth. that could have made my life more interesting.
i'm such a whiner, coz' i'm a Singaporean. whiners = Singaporean. which results in depressing entries like this.
i know there're lots of people out there much worse off than me. but hey, i'm not in their shoes y'know. and i don't feel blessed in my own shoes. and blame the media for broadcasting the rich all the time, making the lower class people so depressed and angry.
and yes, blaming is one tool we humans do best. of course we blame on something or someone else for whatever went wrong. that's only to make us feel better rather than having ourselves feel guilty. who wants to feel miserable in the 1st place, right? or not, what makes us Singaporeans constantly blaming our World-Class (deemed across the world) Govts for their efforts to flourish Singapore as now? it's not a sweeping statement okay? or not, we Singaporeans wouldn't portray as "whiners" across the continent.
what else i haven't complained?
finally fell ill...
anyway, it was horrible going to work thinking i'm not feeling that bad. i'm already feeling lethargic and i knew a fever would be coming up when i felt extremely cold. when i'm finally released earlier to go home, i felt the awkward warmth on my face. and the doc told me i'm having a fever of 38.5 temperature. also, my tonsils are inflamed, which leads to my fever. hmm...
so there i am, feeling much better after PLENTY of rest. and it's really plenty of rest. haven't slept that much for decades. feel so lazy now... ha!
then, i tripped upon mei mei's bloggie and saw that she too, quite bo liao. i didn't know she had time to try online quizzes. i enjoyed doing that as well and it's really good to know that i've TIME and ENERGY to carry out something bo liao now. heh...
You Are 54% Bitchy |
Sometimes, you let your mean side get the better of you. And you enjoy every minute of it. |
Damn! i thought i'm like so much MORE bitchier...
Men See You As Playful |
You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that! |
i know YM view me this way... =)
What Your White Outfit Means |
You have a quiet confidence that you'll look great in almost anything. While you may feel understated, men are attracted to your mystery. Designer match: Gucci Signature accessory: A cashmere scarf |
this is cute...
You've Been Bit By the Shopping Bug! |
However, you can show some restraint. You love good deals. Your love of the clearance rack has paid off... You probably have only maxed out card or two, if at all! |
You Are Chocolate Ice Cream |
i was hoping to be some colorful sundae or something... but it's still yummy!
You Should Own a Beagle |
a Beagle?! provided it'll remain a puppy size... and i still love Fuji okay??
Your Pick Up Line Is |
what a crappy pick up line! *snort!*
You are a Great Girlfriend |
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! |
Dear, you see this? kekekeke....
Sunday, September 03, 2006
good movie! and bought a lappie!
but seriously, after watching it, i suddenly wanted to be in New York where they wear such high-class and fashionable clothes that i couldn't say anything else other than staring in awe. even YM was fascinated with all the fuss of Chanel, CK, Prada (duh), Valentino and whatever you can think off.
i cried at some scenes. somehow i just did.
overall, 3.5 stars.
i felt the story could have been slightly longer, telling us more details than giving us the "pictures speaks louder than words" theory. and of course, censorship of certain scenes really affects the storyline, leaving it slightly shallow.
okie! i've bought HP DV2009TX from Comex via Courts. they bundled a Lexmark printer and DV tuner (i don't know what's that) into the package which cost me $2399. reasonable la. i'm giving YM the printer since there's no use of it and i can't fetch much with Lexmark printers coz' they're pretty known for their expensive cartridges. and they don't really last long as well.
i don't have the physical item with me now coz' i've took up an installment plan for 18 months, costing me about slightly less than 200 per month. it is supposed to be cheaper but i've decided to purchase the extended warranty and Accident coverage from Courts. even though i felt there isn't much a need but somehow i didn't want to buy chances especially when most parts of electronic gadgets comes from China and assemble there as well. so, might as well la.
however, it's gonna be my 1st and probably the last time i'm going to purchase such item from Comex. i'll never forget that stupid salesman from Courts who provide such poor service! he wasn't equipped with the right information about the DV tuner that came with the purchase, and made me and YM walking up and down the WHOLE bloody comex fair looking for HP booths to redeem our item. and the best part was, there were 3 different HP booths in Comex, one in each Hall, and none of their HP salespeople knew what the hell was a DV tuner, let alone a redemption for it. so blardy pissed i tell you! i felt so stupid, asking stupid questions and gotten stupid answers.
anyway, finally we managed to find the right person, apparently from HP but he's situated at Courts' booth. he told us that we need to get the physical item (i.e. the laptop) with us before we're able to redeem the DV tuner. the procedures include having the serial number on the laptop. and when we returned to the Courts Salesperson (arsehole), he didn't know it was that way. wah lau!! what kind of sales person is that?!?!? but at least he apologized for having to waste our time.
so ya, 1st purchase with such bad impression. like i've told YM, next time, i would just purchase from Courts directly. at least the sales person knows MORE and it's also near home (Tampines outlet). somehow, i don't mind just pay slightly more to buy satisfaction for service.
i'm supposed to fax my payslip... forgotten totally and that arsehole salesperson didn't call to remind. argh!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
my Rest Day... whew...
later i'm heading for the comex fair. if everything goes well, i think i might be purchasing a lappie. i believe i'll get HP DV2000 series lappie. the marketing of this product is just damn convincing.
Hua wanted to go on cruise. haix. so much wanted to follow. however, if i hadn't taken leave to go HK earlier, i'll definitely go! the thing is, i feel very paiseh to request another short break from my Area Manager, especially when i've already taken one back not too long ago and the rest of the team were literally stretched to their max during my absence. on top of that, i've in-charges going on break turn-by-turn as well, till the end of september or october. so considering all these negative factors, i just didn't feel appropriate to open my mouth this time. so sorry though...
alritey, i'm going out liao. going to catch The Devil Wears Prada. the trailer makes the show real bitchy and i just can't miss that out! kekeke... movie critics on me later ya?
love you guyz, just so much!
Friday, August 18, 2006
drastic mood swings..
like i said before, this week seems to be a "coincidence" week where i get to see people from long ago. well, not exactly long ago but people whom i'm glad to see them again. and for today, i get to meet the whole Recruit Room team (except you-know-who) and Ker Ker came to say hi! ahhh, don't they just brightened up my day? i liked the warm, fuzzy feeling in me. had a quick chat with the Recruit Room people and i was too preoccuppied to stop by and chat with Ker Ker.
but that was the EARLIER part of the day. now, the complains.
seriously, i hate humans. wassup with humans!? are they borned to be untidy and inconsiderate? they could happily ruin neat stacks of clothes which was packed for their pleasure in the 1st place. so why messed it up?!
for your info, we're having 50% off on selected items. so we managed to consolidate all marked down items to a particular area. 1stly, for convenience to consumers and 2ndly, it's stupid to scatter all marked down items all over the shop lah.
and i can kowtow to these working people who came by shopping during their lunch hour. not only they messed up the shop, they could even have the patience to fish out items one-by-one for "gold" from the huge heap of clothes. knowing it's a matter of luck to get their sizes and very much self-serviced, they had the cheek to approach the staff to help them source for the sizes they're looking for. yet, we can't turn them down saying, "you must be mad ah!?" wah kaoz! PLUS, they could even ask, "do you have new pieces for this?" USE YOUR BRAIN LAH! discount items where got new pieces one?!?!?!
no wonder it's not amusing when my Area Manager came down once and experienced the after-effect of the lunch crowd and said Giordano was hit by a typhoon.
i got cranky because i was made to pack the 50% items. it's part of our job scope to ensure the shop is neat and tidy. however, packing something which would end up messy all again is rather ridiculous and a waste of effort. but, i still have to do it.
initially when i started off, it wasn't that bad. it was until my back started aching due to bad posture and i'm beginning to get hungry, and i'm not getting any additional help which got me all riled up. so i decided to catch a breather. i went to the toilet and took some fluids to brighten up myself. and when i went back to the same corner to continue where i've left off, it was as good as me starting all over. CAN YOU IMAGINE??!?!?!?!?!
sorry i had to be vulgar. i literally cursed and sweared upteen times till i had to whine out loud, literally. i was so pissed off till serving customers became a huge chore and had difficulty trying to be nice without having sarcastic thoughts running through my head. i mean, when we started to draw the sliding doors, what do we look like? having a party?! of course we're CLOSING la!! DUH! these HUMANS are DARN stupid, aren't they?
sigh... when i'm my way home, i saw some overdressed youngsters dolled up pretty much obvious for clubbing. it makes me wonder why i'm heading home when i should be part of them, heading towards clubbing destination. instead, the top priority was to go home and sleep. quite sianz to have this kind of thinking when i don't feel like going anywhere else other than home. snuggling in bed was the most inviting thoughts i had.
i need some rest now... so glad i can smell my rest day. and i can't wait to meet my darlings!! kekeke...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
and on the streets, i've saw Amos and recently, one of my year one classmate who would also be joining MIS soon! brilliant huh?
so i guess i would be seeing some more of TP marketing students, as long as i'm still with MIS. after all, it's their ultimate choice to come of MIS since this school specializes in Marketing courses, or said to be.
i hadn't been making alot of friends. other than kind classmates who've approached me to be in their group (and i've been lucky), i hardly interact with anyone else. so every lesson was just either sitting alone or joining my groupmates. so far, i've seen other people hanging out with their friends who are like backdated since colleagues or even poly classmates and taking the same course, same modules and same whatever. so the "leftovers" prolly meant myself, and some others who are like me, new in everything. which of course, i felt fortunate to have some strangers approaching me to be in their group! (perhaps, i still look friendly after all...)
anyway, today's my rest day. so i slept and slept, recuperating my lost vibes in life. but i must say, i was really tired. it has been quite a long while that i fell into such deep sleep that i only caught some conciousness 12 hours later. i don't feel the stress yet, mainly coz i believe everything was progressing slowly in school. and i don't really give a damn about my confirmation in Gio, maybe because i don't wish to give myself a reason to stress.
so the updates of my schedule for the rest of the week is:
Thursday - Full @ RP
Friday - Full @ RP
Saturday - 12 to Close
Sunday - RD
i have an intensive lecture on Saturday and Sunday. but apparently, i'm not able to attend coz' my requested off on Saturday was not approved since last week. my SM Kally was telling me that she didnt have enough manpower to support her mainly due to our part-timers having their exams this coming week. so darned. luckily the lecture is on Consumer Behaviour, which i've taken before in Poly. or not, i would prolly be cursing and swearing my way through man...
i've nothing else to add at the moment. 3 more hours to class... and i'm still DEAD serious about clubbing. and i'll be getting a Lappie this coming month... yippee!!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
it's nice seeing him after all these while. and i saw the continuous drastic change in him - he put on MORE weight. i know i'm mean but it's true. back then in secondary school, i believe he was considered plump. and now, perhaps i'll just skip that word.
we started talking abit and after so many years, conversation could not really flow that well anymore. maybe it wouldn't flow from the start. but that doesn't matter. after all, what's the possibilities that i would see him again? another 4, 5 years down the road? bah!
i did missed him. he's still such a nice fellow. even though i've broken his heart before, he's still nice to me. perhaps that's really what i like about him. sincere and kind, deep from the heart. he just brings me smiles whenever i thought of him. =)
at this point in life, i guess it's intriguing to see changes in familiar faces. hear how others are doing and the changes in their lives. it'll be another stage in life when we'll probably meet each other 5 to 10 years down the road, with our little ones running alongside. that's nice, just thinking about it...
i have my cell phone switched off the entire day, occasionally switching it on to check for any messages. i don't have a wide social circle, so most probably no one would contact me. i'll prolly do the same for the next few days, just wanna give myself some freedom. after all, it's not good to have a metal box controlling my moods and it should be alright to get a grip of myself.
alrightey! need to catch some sleep now. i've lessons tomorrow, so it'll be a long day for me. at least i'm looking forward to school now, something healthy to digress myself away from work. i know i'm weird... haaa.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
after a long while...
after my school commenced, i've been working at Bugis most of my time. don't really like it because i'm not on my turf despite i'm familiar with the surroundings. unlike back at Raffles Place where i would be given ample opportunities to carry out certain tasks Lis* assigned. basically, i'm pretty much "on my own" as she's quite supportive most of the time. here at Bugis, i felt very much like a relieve staff than anything else. which is no wonder they perceived me as "still a learning member", where i had to be told to do things. felt so misunderstood.
anyway, today Lis told me that she would be transferring to Bugis. she felt injusticed as she poured in so much efforts to this shop and the next person get to enjoy her fruits of labour. i know, that's life. but i didn't want her to go. she was what that made me felt "home" at Raffles Place. in addition, she taught me a great deal.
also, after work, she sat down and talked to me. she shared with me her views on my performance, my likelihood of transferring upon confirmation, and what to expect upon my confirmation. she seriously sounds as if i wouldn't be able to work with her again. she said things like "if anything goes wrong, don't be scared k? you can still call and look for me. i'll be here for you." but she's sweet, isn't it?
suddenly, i felt so lost. the feeling of losing someone i could really depend on, and someone whom i know would be there watching over me and guiding me, is really terrible that could bring tears to my eyes. after all, i've grown attached to her and already beginning to work real good as a team. sigh...
on top of that, she told me the problems i would be expecting to come across if i'm to be put alone to handle a shop myself. seriously speaking, the thought of handling things myself when there's no one else i could direct to kind of scares me. maybe she has drafted out the worse case scenario to get me prepared. but then again, nothing is impossible and also, to this world is nothing uncommon. cases where a wrongly altered pants required me to realter on the spot within 10 mins, or a junior staff had accidentally cut a hole in the pants, or a customer complains for whatever crap reasons. i felt so insecure.
i probably know myself as someone who would just go ahead with the situation when mistakes are done. and the challenged would be more like how to damage control than to prevent it. nonetheless, i know most of it comes from experiences and getting my feet wet while keeping my cool. sometimes, if it wasn't for the pay, i wouldn't mind just being a junior where i needn't to worry anything else.
i didn't know i have became so passive....
perhaps, i shall see my soon-to-be promotion as a positive challenge to learn more, with a much "assured" authority to create. more authority means more responsibilities (which i hate it but yearned for it.. it's such a love-hate situation), which also means i'm put in charged. i guess i need to get out of my comfort zone in order to rejoice this. haa...
YM started his work in Air-Force already. apparently, he was so nervous about his 1st day of work that he couldn't get to sleep! hahaha... but it turned out that there wasn't anything for him to do till somewhere in late September where his whatever course would commence. so he would be studying like me! *grins*
ok, i haven't uploaded the photos in fotopages yet. i've yet to find time to do so. 600 odd pics are pretty time consuming. in addition, i need to upload some great videos to youtube as well. and right now, my rest days are rare to find and they're also occupied with classes as well. haix...
at the moment, other than been harassed by Abel for his meet up to talk about Great Eastern's life policies, studies so far seemed quite alright, im adapting constant changes in work, and life with YM still going on well, there's nothing much to harp on. i'm still surviving, adapting and thinking... whatever.
anyway, i'm getting a lappie soon. real soon. can't stand not having the luxury to use the PC...
okie, nitez.