it's nice to be loved by loved ones. definitely. most importantly, their love are made known to you!
i kind of celebrated my 22nd bday on Saturday. surprises after surprises! hahaha!! and it's nice to know YM planned all these for me. and he refuses to tell me even a wee bit of what's going on. and it's frustrating, to an extend.
i even quarrelled with him earlier that day. maybe i was too hungry, to the extend i've lost my appetite. and things doesn't seem to go right that day. i admitted i was petty and feeling really edgey, plus i was tired after work. but luckily things got better when i managed to go shopping... perhaps that releases some part of the angst in me. haaa... retail therapy ALWAYS works!
anyway, he somehow arranged with Hua, Mei Mei, CK and Justin to meet up at Beach Cabana - one of our favourite chill out place. the girls even got me really REALLY sweet-looking cupcakes! woo, i LoOOOoovE it soOOOoooo MUCH (even though it's really SwEeEt)!! and they wrapped it up with S$?? vouchers from Dashing Diva. =D

they really know me to CORE, don't they? aiyooOoo!
YM wrapped up the day with his part of surprises. pics are not avail now coz' i haven't uploaded it. wanna know what he had up in his sleeves? kekeke...
he presented to me an organizer for yr 2007, a cute doggie carrying a basket and he filled it with 22 personal notes (the very 1st note was placed in a small glass test tube), AND a S$?? Topshop gift cashcard!!!! he's a real sweetheart isn't he!? in addition, he did up something for me as well, which is best shown in pics. i'll prolly show it to you peeps soon... =D
the organizer was something i wanted to get myself again. i used to have one but somehow i've misplaced it. and i made real good use for that. apparently, it worked better for me compared myself owning a pocket PC. maybe, i enjoyed writing as it gives me something to be accountable for.... ok, i'm getting weird.
and as for the giftcard, it's completely way out of my expectations. (in fact, all of his surprises were never once in my list of suspicions. haaa!). i wouldn't reveal how much it is contained inside but i'm opening up to invitation to shop with me at TopShop! *grinz*
how i wished Saturday was my birthday itself. i always felt that it's better meaningful to celebrate on the actual day than advanced or belated. don't you think? nonetheless, i shouldn't be complaining. i should be contented. in fact, i AM contented. i couldn't ask for more, could i?
so, some photos to add some spice to this entry.
sunflower and me!
unbelieveable of what's before my eyes....!
enjoying every moment of this....
toast to the cupcakes!
i love these girlies!
thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for making all this memorable...
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