wassup with the subject, some would guess. simple. the widely-known proverb, "curiousity kills the cat". and this entry is dedicated to that particular "whoever" who reads my blog and gets sensitive about it.
"i will try to be careful, ok? promise i won't let you out... and i just need to let it out coz' sometimes i feel injustice for you."
i need to gather my thoughts. it's actually quite tough trying write what i feel but yet having to be REAL careful about what i've intended to post up. in fact, there's so much to say but feeling so restricted for now.
i simply write what i feel that particular day. happy, sad or angry. bascially, posting my feelings online is an avenue for me to reach out to my fellow friends who are constantly not with me and would probably think how's my life without them. after all, we lead our own lives and it's always good to know how others are going.
so to YOU, why do YOU choose to read and get angry over something which doesn't concerns YOU? on top of that, it's your choice to read isn't it? and then, get pissed off for something you didn't wish to see and confront him for it?? don't YOU just asked for it?
when there's no chemistry, even if you're to create a fart bomb with beta rays, there's still nothing more to it. i know that example doesn't make sense. but what i'm trying to say is that there's such thing as "pluto" friendship. be it with a man who's doubled your age, or a teen 10 years your junior, such thing existed! kindly GET OUT of your conservative thinking and plunge yourself to the millenium. for goodness sake, it's even a waste of time to think there's anything more to it. don't feel good, THEN DON'T READ LAH!
i felt so wronged because i practiced self-censorship already and yet, somebody else got misunderstood. and i can't stop writing. it's ridiculous to even think of shutting down this blog for "someone" who couldn't control their emotions.
suddenly, i missed diary-x.
at least, i know who reads my blog and could feel safe about expressing full fledged. now, i think i need to change someone else's nickname here. or perhaps, i'll changed everyone's. so it wouldn't be so obvious. maybe i should just heck care and make it damn obvious so as to spite that "someone" there's nothing they can do about it OTHER THAN THEMSELVES!
argh! they simply pissed me off.
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