Tuesday, October 31, 2006
my granddaddy's still around... i think
anyway, my cousin just told me that his wife saw ah gong. *pause* and he explained that sometimes she can see "things". she saw him, standing next to his coffin, holding 3 yellow pieces of paper (i don't know what's that), looking at the basin which was burning incense papers for him.
the thing is: she can't see his legs.
he added on saying that now he understands why she was shivering when she was made to pay her last respects before they leaves with their baby. after telling him what she saw, she thought it through that there wasn't a reason for her to be afraid since he was our grandfather. there's no reason for her to be afraid.
also for today, there was a ritual for him. and the bunch of followers (aka the people whom we paid them to carry out the ritual) were one hell of a let down. one of them told us to get ready for the ritual, some of them still playing mahjong (they brought their own set!). i guess granddaddy knew we're frustrated with them. the lights for the tentage where they would carry out the ritual suddenly black out! almost immediately, the "sai gong" scolded them to stop playing.
sure enough, the lights came back on.
most of my cousins and relatives saw what happened and they were laughing to themselves. somehow they understood how impatient my grandfather would be. and they all knew the "sai gong" knew. or not, he wouldn't scold his fellow colleagues.
i felt his presence at times. however, i'm not that "sensitive". i'm still hoping i'll see him, someday, smiling at me...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
our last farewell
life can be so ironic. one moment i was enjoying myself, and the other, i was made to send my grandfather off his last journey. he passed on yesterday evening, somewhere around 8.45pm.
nobody really cried. maybe coz' it was too sudden. he suddenly not breathing and all, and his pulse slowly weakened. when i arrived, i touched him. his body was already lifeless, however, still slightly warm. so i guess i was a tad bit late despite i took a cab down. and my aunties and all still debating if he's still alive or had he leave for good. i guess he was, but just that life in him quietly slipping away.
i was pretty numb about the whole incident. i felt sad, naturally. however, it didn't tug my heart. perhaps i wasn't close to him in the 1st place, and also being the "girl" in that family was just not significant in the household. so since i wasn't really bothered in the family, i wasn't really bothered about them as well. sad case huh? anyway, he died peacefully. that's as far as i can see.
but i'm wondering how come he left so quietly. is it that he's contented almost everyone turned up at his near-deathbed yesterday? or is it because he didn't want us to stop him from leaving? how i wished he had some energy to tell us... anything.
i wished i could see "something". i must be crazy to wish for that but at this moment, i just wanna see "it". actually, i hope to see my granddad again...
goodbye, ah gong.a small shopping spree!
since i got my topshop card, might as well utilized it. and i seriously can't wait to use it! i gotten myself 4 topshop knickers (aka underwear la) and 2 basic tops which i love it to bits! woo! they're like going for a bundle price of "buy 2 for 20% off". so get 2 lah! i'm feeling so contented. ha!
it's really nice hor?? i just LOVE topshop. such a sinful indulgence... at least for me la. hahaha...
also, i finally DID it!! Navel Piercing!! OMG! i just can't believe i ACTUALLY did that!! it didn't cost me cheap though. it did hurt, not too badly. now i'm pretty terrified about the maintenance part. quite worried about infecting it. and earlier, it did bled slightly coz' i accidentally knocked onto it. ouch!
i took pictures of it but i thought it'll be abit too much for the weak hearted. even looking at it closed up, i felt the gore. hahaha... anyway, that's to mark my 22nd bday. i must be mad right?
i'm a happie girl today!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
i'm on RD today. yesterday, i was assigned to go to warehouse to help tally stock for our set up of "new" BJ on the 30th this month. so if we're to complete all of the cartons assigned to our shops by yesterday, we'll need not to go back today. and by 6.30pm yesterday, everything was done. ha!
as for today, i'll be going out with YM. and also, going back to vivocity's GV to see if they found my coin purse. i tink i dropped it there after a late night movie with YM. =/ i have my driving license and debit mini inside. so i'm REALLY to lose it for good, i'll be sad. REAL upset.
also, i'm intending to do the extreme. i'll let u guyz know in time! hur... it's something i wanna do for quite a while back. and you can only do that when you're still young! kekeke... i mentioned before but hadn't really go ahead with it... so, this is jux a belated bday for myself! *grinz*
ok, i gtg. love you guyz alright?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
HAPPIE belated 22nd BDAY TO ME!
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to ME!
hey guess what? i just got back from work. and literally spent the whole day, working. bravo, isn't it? i'm such a sad case, i tell you.
actually, quite pissed from the day i've started work. no one informed me the change in roster. in the end, still thinking i was in Morning shift and hafta helped out at the atrium, dragged myself out of bed and in the end, they told me i was in Afternoon instead. bloody hell. this kind of thing is a NO JOKE ok!? so i ended up helping them to clear the deliveries of the day as part of "commitment". luckily i wasn't the only person got affected. ha!
anyway, it's my RD tomorrow (i haven't sleep yet, so not counted today). most likely i'm resting at home, not as if i'll be able to go anywhere by myself. 1stly, no money liao; and 2ndly, everyone else's working. that thought somehow depresses me. haa...
alrightey, gotta go sleep liao. have to settle the enrolment thinggie tomorrow, but seriously, i'm SUPER lazy to go out if i've intention to nuah....
love you guyz for remembering my bday! *muacks!*
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
it's nice to be loved by loved ones. definitely. most importantly, their love are made known to you!
i kind of celebrated my 22nd bday on Saturday. surprises after surprises! hahaha!! and it's nice to know YM planned all these for me. and he refuses to tell me even a wee bit of what's going on. and it's frustrating, to an extend.
i even quarrelled with him earlier that day. maybe i was too hungry, to the extend i've lost my appetite. and things doesn't seem to go right that day. i admitted i was petty and feeling really edgey, plus i was tired after work. but luckily things got better when i managed to go shopping... perhaps that releases some part of the angst in me. haaa... retail therapy ALWAYS works!
anyway, he somehow arranged with Hua, Mei Mei, CK and Justin to meet up at Beach Cabana - one of our favourite chill out place. the girls even got me really REALLY sweet-looking cupcakes! woo, i LoOOOoovE it soOOOoooo MUCH (even though it's really SwEeEt)!! and they wrapped it up with S$?? vouchers from Dashing Diva. =D

they really know me to CORE, don't they? aiyooOoo!
YM wrapped up the day with his part of surprises. pics are not avail now coz' i haven't uploaded it. wanna know what he had up in his sleeves? kekeke...
he presented to me an organizer for yr 2007, a cute doggie carrying a basket and he filled it with 22 personal notes (the very 1st note was placed in a small glass test tube), AND a S$?? Topshop gift cashcard!!!! he's a real sweetheart isn't he!? in addition, he did up something for me as well, which is best shown in pics. i'll prolly show it to you peeps soon... =D
the organizer was something i wanted to get myself again. i used to have one but somehow i've misplaced it. and i made real good use for that. apparently, it worked better for me compared myself owning a pocket PC. maybe, i enjoyed writing as it gives me something to be accountable for.... ok, i'm getting weird.
and as for the giftcard, it's completely way out of my expectations. (in fact, all of his surprises were never once in my list of suspicions. haaa!). i wouldn't reveal how much it is contained inside but i'm opening up to invitation to shop with me at TopShop! *grinz*
how i wished Saturday was my birthday itself. i always felt that it's better meaningful to celebrate on the actual day than advanced or belated. don't you think? nonetheless, i shouldn't be complaining. i should be contented. in fact, i AM contented. i couldn't ask for more, could i?
so, some photos to add some spice to this entry.
sunflower and me!
unbelieveable of what's before my eyes....!
enjoying every moment of this....
toast to the cupcakes!
i love these girlies!
thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for making all this memorable...
Monday, October 16, 2006
i mean, i'm getting a year older and that's not exactly something to be rejoiced. maybe when i'm still below 21, and that's when i really looked forward to grow older. for now, i wish time would just stop ticking.
other than that, it's my birthday! once a year thinggie, how could anyone not really looking forward to it? after all, to me, it is a sacred day - a day where i thank my prayers for being healthy to celebrate life and able to watch the world goes by. so surreal isn't it? hhaha....
i don't know what i want this year. other than materialistic demands, i can't think of anything else that could soothe my draining soul. maybe, the only thing i yearned right now is a meet up with all my good friends, aka my buddies. people i've missed so much: bellie, rara, mun, flora and mei mei. i missed all the "catching up" sessions. it's readily put in forms of slumber party, majong sessions, clubbing, bitching sessions at Pac Cafe or any coffee houses, or even festivals celebrations. i can't help getting emotional here....
allow me to hug you guyz when i see you the next time? that's the only present that i'll ask from you.... please? =D
Saturday, October 14, 2006
the projects are really worrying me ultimately, as for now. it's just tough to get working groupmates to be abit more committed towards school. Monday is the dateline and yet i'm surprised how can one not be jittery and no sense of urgency at all, especially when someone else is doing the compilation for them.
anyway, i'm considering to just take up one module next sem. i've heard from my other classmates that next sem is a REAL short one. and considering the workload from projects and also year-end sales for 2006 (X'mas and NY)... it'll be awfully draining for me. the only trade off for this choice is that i'll get to finish my degree about one sem later, depending on my choice of modules for the remaining semesters. in addition, i just want to give myself some space for other activities to balance off my lifestyle, other than just work and school. good choice? hmm...
i gotta go now.
but i just wanna say: i still love clubbing.
Friday, October 06, 2006
everything was a MISTAKE?!!
just when i've gotten myself emotionally and mentally prepared for the best and the worst...
i thought i should be happy coz' i'm beginning to accept new challenges. and also, i don't have to work with PC anymore. however, i'm pretty upset to be leaving the rest of my good colleagues. and it did took me some time to digest the fact that i'm leaving....
staying means back to square one.
now, i don't know how to react. should i be happy or sad that i'm not leaving?
i'm having this serious problem about handling my project and work. when i'm home, i'll be too tired to complete my part of project and i had this tendency to postpone and postpone till i had no choice but to clear them before meet up. i hate this feeling, really. i wished i would be more proactive....
anyway, i got a news to share:
i'll be transferring out of Bugis Junction, with effect from this Monday.
guess where i'll be going? Vivo City. heard of it before? it's located at Harborfront, and i've never been there or knew there's a new building other than the Harborfront centre.
i don't know why i'm the chosen one. i don't know if it's a blessing in disguise. so much of mixed feelings in me. i'm so worried that i wouldn't be able to perform up to standard since they said Vivo City's Giordano is even bigger than that of Taka's. =.=
going to school may not be too big of a hassle coz' i may have a direct train from Harborfront to Dhoby Ghaut. but going to work will be a chore for me. i have a direct bus ride from Bedok but the journey takes about 30 to 40 mins. sigh... furthermore, it's a total new environment and all.... just when i'm thinking i'm almost not able to handle schoolwork and all, i'm the chosen one. bigger shop, more stressed - that's for sure.
i need to catch up some of my sleep. and need to wake up quite early tomorrow to complete my part of projects. and i haven't even started!!! argh, kill me!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i'm getting tired, and drained out. juggling full time work and part-time studies is really a no joke. and rest days are not rest days anymore. because, part of my rest days are occupied with project meetings. and i NEED the rest days to finish my part of the project as well. and i also need some break, don't i?
that's why recently, i've been considering to convert to part-time instead. i know financially i'll be strained, but i kind of trade it off with proper rest. i'm not sure whether that's a good deal...
to cheer myself up, i finally gotten my lappie. hur. but its a long way to collect it lo. coz' the sales person is actually situated at Bukit Timah's courts. so since i didn't want them to deliver to my place (coz' i don't have money to pay the 1st instalment at that time), i have to literally go down to take. and YM drove me there.
right now, my lappie is still resting in its box. i haven't took it out yet. i don't have time to explore at the moment coz' i need to do my project. also, it didn't come with MS Office. so, that didn't help to alleviate my current situation. haix. everything also no time!
i'm so tired...