Tuesday, December 25, 2007
learn to be independent
my mum used to complain to me during times where she really couldn't stand my dad. and she never failed to say things like not to depend on men as ALL men are not dependable, and it's only safe and smart for women to stand on their own 2 feet. at that point in time, i would just brush it off as it's coming from a bitter woman. come to think about it, it's quite true.
sometimes, it's hard not to lean too much coz' you'll never really know how much is too much. so you'll end up finding quite hard to find your balance especially when your men suddenly pulled out of your steps. even when they tried to catch you back again, well, damaged still done. you'll began thinking (like me) and get angry for being so useless when our parents brought us up the best way possible so we can stand on our own 2 feet when we face the real world. and yet, when we get too clingy, we're the one getting manipulated. how sad, isn't it? or are women supposedly to be under the scrutiny of men for history? hmmm...
how much do you know him? habits, some bits and pieces of his personality and character, and maybe abit more on his temper: it could only bring you this far. no one can be so sure....
i believe i've been reminded about these facts quite a few times before but y'know, when times are too good, we hardly wanted to be reminded of bad past. oh well, i guess it's pretty much human nature to enjoy the good times. plus, i'm quite forgetful.
yes, lesson learnt. even though it's through the hard way with runny noses and red eyes, it's still worth it at the end of the day.
pardon me, have a Merry X'mas guys!
Friday, December 14, 2007
finally, i'll be tying the knot
somehow, i immediately broke down to tears.... and i cried uncontrollably.
i guess he didn't expect my reaction. so he hugged and asked me, "will you marry me?" after that, it was a whirlwind of emotions where he tried to calm me down. then he made me sat down at the edge of the van, he asked me, "err, u want me to go down on my knees?" but before i could answer, he obliged almost immediately and proposed one more time. however this time, he showed me the ring and held it out between his fingers, waiting for me to say something. i guess i was choking with overwhelming emotions that i could only nod, many times. then he finally got up.
he looked around his surroundings and held out his phone, telling me to compose myself coz' the others were coming. i was like, "huh??" then slowly, one by one his accomplices revealed themselves.
the guy in green jacket was the owner for the Nissan Sunny car. YM swopped with him where he drove the van to East Coast, and the others help to decorate the van. good friends huh?
after that, one couple emerged out from their van which was 100% unaware of YM's plan. they happened to come by East Coast and saw YM's van lurking in the carpark. and hence decided to wait and see. apparently, they didn't wait in vain and in fact watched the complete episode. i call them, the Kaypohs.
oh well, that's pretty much the story you guys dying to know.
below is the scrapbook album he made for me. apparently he made it with the help of some of his good friends, and it even got him to stay up till 7am in the morning trying to get it completed.
of course, not forgetting the most important item to make this proposal sustaining its sacred meaning:
The Ring: SooKee Jewellery 0.3 Carat Brilliant Rose Diamond
last but not the least, a dozen of roses....
and to round up, us!
i know it's going to be mushy, but i have to say my thanks:
thank you for everything you've done for me, and i'm looking forward every minute that i'll be spending my life with you.... i love you.
okay, i'm done and it's 2.30am. *groan*
Monday, December 10, 2007
I just celebrated YM’s bday last week. So apparently the arrangements were pretty last minute and I was there liaising here and there. At least, everything went as per planned. Instead of just both of us, I dragged his friends in. I figured that he’s more of a person who would be happier to spend his bday with his friends rather than his gf alone. Of coz, I’m not implying that just spending the day with me is not what he wants, but he would be happier if there’re other ppl around too. You know, all that hype and attention he can have for that day….
Just glad that he enjoyed himself….
I don’t know how long I can still tahan my mum. She’s not making things easy for me, and likewise, I didn’t see why I need to make things easier for her. And it’s all because of my dog.
Ker ker said it’s like she has something that belonged to me and hence it creates this “excuse” to see me which that thought really irks me. For some reason, I’m not thrilled to see her again. Similarly, if I’m staying with my mum, I will have this same reaction towards my dad. Anyway, I would rather stay with my dad coz at least he’ll leave me alone while my mum can never do that.
I’m guilty for saying real nasty things to my mum out of spite but I seriously had it up to my boiling point when she always wants to get things her way. At least in many things I’ve been accommodating and chose to close an eye so to make my life happier. Apparently, things had gotten abit too much for me to bear la….
Like I said, I never wanted to share Fuji. Not coz’ I’m selfish or what but I’m sparing a thought for my old boy. And also, he’s definitely not a toy to be dished around liddat.
To make situations worse, every time they would happily bring Fuji back to their place, none of them would make the effort to return him to me. My concept is simple: you borrow something, you return it and not me taking it from u. of coz there would be times of exception when everyone’s busy and all, fine, I’ll go take the dog. Otherwise, seriously, it’s just manners. They have their lives, I have mine. I don’t see why constantly I need to be the one to accommodate to their plans and not mine. It’s a give and take situation; I can’t always be giving and them taking.
Every time I think about this, every time I talked to someone about this, I felt heat in my eyes and my sight gets blurry with anger. I just cant see when all these will stop….
I’m not asking anything from anybody. All I want is to just treasure what I have now and let go what I don’t have. I have been bitter and miserable, and I so want to step out of all these and see that sunshine again.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
my life right now...
it's pretty sad, really. my family became so broken.
and now even though i have my broadband up and running, i need to pay both the residential and broadband bills, on top of my current commitment. seriously, i could hardly breathe! i began to wonder if i could set up some charity fund thing for me... then good people like u can donate to the pathetic me.....
some happier news: i'll be expecting a new ceiling fan and a Queen bed in my room! the fan will be sponsored by my dad coz' he had the fan in the living and his room during the time my mum was around. so he wasn't too willing to have one in my room then. now, he is obliged to get one fixed for me. however, the new fan would be placed in the living room and the existing one would transfer to my room for "proper decoration sake" (so both rooms would be of the same design which my dad claims is more proper). oh whatever lah.
and the Queen, oh my QUEEN! i'm like super duper excited lor! gonna have a big bed all by myself!
finally, i went to seek for beds like after so long about me harping about it. YM accompanied me and even had newspaper cuttings on furniture shops having sale on beds! in the end, we only like went 1 of his selected venue from his newspaper cuttings coz' it was like on-the-way. we actually went to visit The Furniture Mall instead. somehow, the place wasn't bustling with people. so most if the shops were like empty from crowds. hence we only visited some shops where there're people in them so the salesperson wouldn't bother us testing beds. tee hee!
anyway, the beds were like so ex lar. mattress itself already cost us more than 1k, not talking about the bed frame. if i'm a newlywed, maybe that would be necessary lar... or not, siao ah! but i have my mind pretty much made up at one of the bed (w bedframe) which cost me exactly 1k in one of the shops. thinking that the mattress is Dunlopillo, i thought it's quite worth it even though i wasn't too fond of the headboard.
see see look look until it struck me to visit Courts Megastore. YM apparently complimented together with my spontanenity and headed down to Tampines! hur hur, so happy!
and then, ta-da! found the bed which was like 一见钟情! the price was 1k also, with 4-star medium-firm pocket spring mattress (almost similar to the Dunlopillo) and a definitely MUCH nicer bed frame. plus interest-free instalments with credit card (from YM, of course).... i just have to contain my excitment and the impulsiveness to seal the deal at once. darn! YM said it's better to go home and ensure the measurement of the bed wouldn't eat up my room. but i was thinking, i used to have a queen bed before it spoilt, of course confirm can fit into my room de ma! anyway, it comes with freebies like 2 pillows, 1 bolster and 1 mattress protector. shiok!
so, i can't wait to like head back to Courts and buy that bed. it's like so snuggly and all! ARGH! but 1st, i need to get the ceiling fan up and running before the bed comes in. coz' right now i'm just surviving on a really small table fan and it's even warm just sleeping on the floor mattress.
that's pretty much it for now. let's see if there'll be anything new till then...
and WELCOME HOME BELLIE! Ra, hope to see you back home soon...
Mei, i'll be here for u... =)
Monday, November 12, 2007
i'm back... not for long
my mum and bro had moved out for about 3 weeks now. and not too long after they've left, i housed temporarily at YM's place. my house undergo some dumb upgrading and the room i'll be sleeping would be invaded by bangalas in the morning from Mon to Sat, as early as 7.30am. worse still, the whole house would be like so dusty and all, and i need proper rest when i'm home from work. and i sent Fuji to my mum's place.
when i was at YM's, i don't exactly have another cable to hook up to their internet connection. even i had my lappie with me, i don't hv the luxury of going online and blog like i wished to. which explained the lack of post this month. so, why i can blog now is coz' YM's sis is not at home now and i quickly take this opportunity to blog. ha...
i'm not working today, took an urgent leave. i'm having my papers tomorrow and the day after - Tues at 6.30pm and Wed at 9am (and i'm on leave for both days as well). and my actual reason for my leave is coz' i'm having some serious jitters about my papers and i felt i don't have the time to study for my Wed papers. it's a law paper which require a blardy lot of memory work. i doubt i'll be able to make it with my memory after my evening papers. so, oh well.... this is like my 1st time giving such nonsense like "urgent leave" in my whole career history, and for some reason, it didn't feel good. but i couldn't care less now, coz' exams are more impt and i'm jux a part-time, y'know.
i'm finally going home tonight, or that's at least what i've arranged. i'll have no internet connection and got to sign up a new one. of coz, i have to pay the internet connection and all.
plus, my insensitive moronic father is out trying to cheat my money. he demanded that i'll have to contribute 200 bucks every month for the bills and "miscellaneous fees". yar, everything i pay, then he only need to pay for his own beers huh? and he added on that if my bro want to stay, he would have to pay him 200 dollars for all these. yar right... 200 + 200 = 400. he needs 400 every month to buy what? abalone? 1st-class maggie mee? or whiskey? then what's next? ask for more money so he can jux stay home and shake leg, while he worked freelance as a cab driver when he needed extra cash?
it's so blardy ridiculous lor. i rebutted, telling him to gimme the PUB bills and i'll pay. then he added, what about the miscellaneous fees? fuck off lor... he doesn't need to cook for me, i don't need him to buy any necessities at home, neither does he need to pay Fuji's food. in fact, all these "miscellaneous fees" i handle myself from like i'm 17 yrs old till now. snort...
i can foresee a war with him when i move back....
sometimes, i'm amazed how come i'm not in some depression where i go on a killing spree and hack off my parent's head, since they never seemed to use their brain for a good cause. geez...
YM will try to offload some of my financial craps when he can. but again, he can't exactly support his parents and me as well. come to think abt it, i began to wonder if quitting Giordano and work part-time while i juggle my studies and my finances is such a brilliant idea i've made. and when my intentions were purely for me to peacefully complete my studies and move on to something else stable.
how i wished my dad would GROW UP and stop trying to live off people when he still has the ability to feed himself.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
the fateful day i turned 23...
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me!
oh brother.
i seriously dislike getting older. or maybe getting older is not as fascinating anymore as it once seemed to be. perhaps, being older means more shitty responsibilities i have to handle.
tmr my mum would be moving out, then i'll be temporarily housing at YM's place while my house undergo ungrading. i didn't feel that i need to be accountable to my mum regarding my decision even though i ended up telling her my arrangments. obviously she wasn't too please but knowing that i wouldn't listen to her, she didn't want to add much despite she still tried hard to make me listen. then she got my bro, Frankie, to come talk to me.
of all days, of all times, that insensitive dolt had to come talk to me when i'm out celebrating my bday with YM. the moment i've picked up the call, he shot, "eh, i heard from mummy that you're not going to stay with us during the renovation. why do something so stupid?" yet when i was thinking i might hear that he would wish me Happie Bday since i didn't get to see him since the day. the best part is, he kept rattling on and on telling me what kind of impression i'll leave in YM's parent, and knowing that what he's telling me wouldn't change my decision, he ended off telling me he needed to let me know his opinion.
bullshit. opinion my ass! as if i valued his opinions liddat. pls lor, use some brain cells can? maybe if he's pronounced as a retard by a doctor, claiming that he's permanently brain dead, then maybe i wouldn't be so hard on him.
my bday so memorable hor?
how i wished YM gimme a flaming torch and a carton of kerosean, instead of an Ipod, so i can set my mum and my bros ablazed. and i'll have a campfire, barbequing marshmellows while i enjoy Singapore's night sky.
nothing is as unbearable as this day. just thinking abt it make my heart aches. the only thing i haven't did yet - crying my eyes out.
Friday, October 19, 2007
i'm like so looking forward to Fridays now. haven't have that feeling for sucha long time! woot!
finally cleared all my lessons for this semester. now would be counting down to my exams. bleah! 3 exams to clear this sem, quite stressful. there're 2 of my units are like back-to-back: on Tues evening, followed by Wed morning papers. it's like "SONG BO!?".
and after my last paper on Monday, the following week would commence a new term. haix, so hectic. thought i can still enjoy some bits of my sem break but nop! oh well, just happy that i'm clearing all my subjects and graduating soon.... if everything goes well here with NAFA, most likely they might be extending my stay here. so probably i'll leave my position a couple of weeks before my final exams, so i can like chiong for the finals and VOILA! i graduate. maybe at that meantime, i'll might start looking for new job...
okie, that's my ingenius plan i have for now. subject to changes...
alright, i have to go now... before the rest comes back from lunch. and then it'll be my turn to go eat!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i can't sleep!
i doubt it was coz' i slept too much. for the other days i was at home, i slept like nobody's biz and yet i could still sleep at the end of the day. however, just today was different. i think it's coz' i drank teh tarik.
u think its incredulous?
NOP! i'm quite sensitive to caffeine especially when i don't drink that often. and for the past few days, i don't need caffeine to help me stay awake when i can sleep all i can! PLUS, i took some instant milk tea when i had class yesterday evening and took teh tarik when i met YM for supper. stupid shit.
looks like i'll try to stay awake till its time to go for work. or not, if i'm to sleep now and wake up at the ring of my alarm, i'll get headaches.
and now, my tummy's growling.... what's next?!
Monday, October 15, 2007
a brand new weekend... SHIOK!
the fun i had at Double O left a stigma. i felt sorry to have abandoned that juke house, once again proving me how much i've missed that place. their mambo and R&B was like WOOT! i never felt that crazy for the longest time! and their mambo seriously put Zouk to shame!
of course, not forgetting the company we had that day. it was just crazy! the pictures i've taken tells everything... hahaha...
Milliard & Alvin Seah: Proud of his joke! hahahahah.... looked like having some beer float!
Clockwise: YM, Andy, Milliard, Jacob, Me, Xiangping (Alvin's ex-gf)
Left to right: Milliard, Andy, Jacob, YM
Top-Down: Milliard, YM, Andy, Alvin, Jacob, Me
Some sexy fanatic dance, trying to turn each other on... Boys will be boys...
acting cool with the camera... such camwhore!
looked how "high" these guys can be!
we just had so much fun!
it does seem as if Alvin kissed Andy, and Milliard's protesting... LOL!
alright! view the rest at my fotopages. more crazy pics liddat... at the end of the day, the boys were really soaked in sweat. i smelled some of their B.O.. hahaha.... not very happening for that.
hope you guys have a great weekend too. and heard from YM that his friends wanna go Dbl O the next upcoming weekend! hahaha... i guess there's always not enough fun!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
goodbye and hello...
my shift ended early due to the fact where they couldn't drag my time in case i incur anymore OT. i stayed a while and packed my things, ready to leave the shop. i took the rubbish with me to throw on my way out. the moment i stepped out, heading towards the staff exit, i felt a wave of relieve overwhelmed me. it's like, i've dreamt of this day so long. it has been a good 20 months of sweat and tears with this company. finally, it ended.
i really underestimated this whole retail thinggie, even though it has taught me a great deal.
to think back, i've switched 4 jobs in just 3 years of working in this society. it's alot to me, maybe comparing with my peers. i hope the switching would lessen one day. nonetheless, every job switch gave me a good lesson, allowing me to understand myself better. at least, now i know what i want to do and hope that would be the best for me. in fact, i should have listen to myself long ago, to do something i like rather than following "what was thought to be right". so i ended up trying to crawl out of the many pitholes i've landed myself into.
anyway, i've recently hooked up a temp marketing position with Recruit Express with NAFA. the contract period is only till end of Dec. and i'll be starting work on 17th Oct. i'm like so looking forward to this. whether the contract is extendable would be subjected whether NAFA still needs my help.
and hor, just one day after i've taken up the job, another consultant from the Recruit Express told me that another company selected me for the position. it's a 6 months contract in the East (near Expo), paying about 2k per month!
i try not to think about that....
oh well, the more the pay, the more commitment they'll be expecting ma, hor? hmmm... anyway, i'm bounded by the contact so i can't back out. therefore, i shouldn't be thinking anymore about my cognitive dissonance... hahaha...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
idling at home...
after so much hoo-ha about my airport pass, finally i can enter the transit area with my visitor pass. i can't find my IC (somehow it has been misplaced somewhere at home) so i used my passport instead, with a police report. till then when i find my IC, i will call up the Police HQ to cancel the report.
i've another 2 more days with T1 on Thurs & Fri. at the meantime, i'm clearing my remaining ALs for yr '05.
i'm currently still searching for Marketing contract jobs. a couple of recruitment agencies called me and they've sent my resumes. initially they're quite enthu, trying to close positions available with my request. after that, silence. maybe i don't exactly have many choices around, available positions are only that few, that's why i felt that response are not too active. and also, i'm only keen on marketing related jobs than some admin or clerical positions. not forgetting the pay also lah. i'm not asking alot coz' i'm more keen on the experience. but then again, alot of company can be quite "ngiao".
till then, i need to be abit more stringent in my pocket money to last me until i hook up some temp jobs.
and guess wat? i jux bought a top, online... hahaha... it's from my Shopping Site 3 that i've jux updated. love the stuff there, but slightly more expensive i feel.
girls, indulge with me! kekeke...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
a new plan needed...
for me, it's a bonus! haa... so i can stay home and finish up my project. hope they can swop me out of the shop so at least i can relax abit with the shifts before i leave.
anyway, i've redo my resume from scratch (coz' somehow or rather it's missing from my hard disk) and sent out about 6 of them to contract/temp marketing jobs.
what happened to the waitress job?
well, coz' im still stuck with Giordano now and they can't wait for me, they hired somebody else now. the only chance i'll get employed with them if the new fellas aren't working out. so i need another plan, isnt it? so i was thinking, why not get hook up with some temp marketing assistant job which pays about 1.6k to last me till my school ends? at least when i've graduated, i've some related industry experience to substantiate my fresh degree. it seemed pretty much a better option, doesn't it?
also, going back to retail for temp might mean that i need to work during the public hols and weekends too. at least back in the office, it's a predictable 5 days work week, weekends are off, and i enjoy my fair share of rest during the public hols. and no doubt i want to enjoy this coming festive season!
of course, if things turn out favorable with the contract appointment, i might get offered with a permanent headcount too.
i see that i don't have anything to lose for now since my main commitments are studies and they can't expect too much from a contract staff, and yet, i get the money to support my debts and experience which i need.
it does seem like a good deal hor?
well, i don't mind the office politics now la. beggars can't be choosers. so now i hope for the best!
Friday, September 28, 2007
let's begin to countdown... both my last day and my hols!
tomorrow, i'm having a tutorial test for my law paper. 20% weightage, hopefully my friend's info on the chapters are reliable coz' i can't rmbr if my lecturer mentioned anything about the chapters tested. haven't got the energy to sit down and study. coz' the moment i sit down, i'll fall asleep. haaa... as for today, i took some power nap earlier when i got home so i felt better. but i'm waiting later in the night to study.
it's like so sucky lor. i've requested to off today so i can stay home and rest, to study for my test tomorrow. but there have to be some kok last minute changes. KAOZ!
i can't help counting down the number of days to my last day. YM told me i shouldn't do that coz' it'll somewhat make my life more miserable. but i really can't help it! i'm like feeling quite lost as there're no confirmation to whether i'll even clear my ALs... or i'll work till my last worth! groan...
anyway, i've some short hols plan this December. will be going to Thailand (again) with YM during his block leave from 23rd to 31st Dec. we'll be away from the 26th, coming back on the 31st. actually, i'm more interested in beach resorts to relax rather than shopping but the amount to pay for a beach resort trip during Dec period is more expensive than going to Thailand. and also, going to Thailand in Dec is not as cheap as the previous time i went with Hua and Mei lor. wanted to book the $3 tix to fly in Jan '08 but YM can't confirm can take leave. so, no choice lor. guess the best part would be,
it's definitely gonna be Season's Greetings for me this year! something's worth looking forward to.... HA!
i'm already in holiday mood... LaLALa~~!
jux fyi, i've found a shopping portal (aka middleman) which actually help us order items from Taiwan, Korea and Japan (i think). it's a good site for both the men and ladies. check it out ya?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
this Sat, i'll be having one of my exams. early last week, i've requested for Fri & Sat off and also see if i'll be able to take one or two ALs to go with my RD coz' i want to study. my 2nd-in-charged planned the roster already it seemed to fit well. out of the blue, my Manager had some last minute request and mine's forsaken. some blardy shit.
there're so much last minute changes for this week that i'm getting quite pissed off already.
yesterday, it was supposed to be my RD but my Manager swopped with me and i ended up a Afternoon shift. then, they amended the roster abit but slightly better to my benefits. coz' my RD was changed to Fri & Sat, but i've to work a half-day of 10am to 3pm today. at 8am this morning, my 2nd-in-charge called and tell me that i don't have to come to work coz' they've changed the roster (again!). but now, my Fri's RD has been taken away to replace it for today. ARGH!
YM kept consoling me that i'm serving my notice, so it wont be long that i've to put up with all these nonsense.
now i'm jux hoping they would clear my AL so that i have the time to prepare for my finals this semester. till then, i'll jux have to 忍。
Friday, September 21, 2007
i've resigned!
anyway, for the benefit of my friends, i finally resigned from Giordano after hearing more than a year of my whines and grunts. it sure took me some great courage and guts to talk to the respective people and persuade them to let me go.
oh well, finally they did. *grin* and my official last day should be on the 15th of Oct. I guess its somewhere before my exams. cool. so right now, my SM would be planning how to clear my existing 17 days of Annual Leave. If they managed to get a replacement in time, most likely i would clear them all. Or not, they would have to pay my ALs in $$. either way, i'm quite fine. but of course, i would rather they clear all than i have to work any longer...
so my plan would be to get a PT job and finish my studies asap.
Hua, thanks for keeping me in mind. But i guess i would just curb my eagerness to hook myself with a marketing job and finish my studies 1st. and my eagerness would prolly due to the fear of not being able to find a job i'm so much looking forward to... y'know.
till then, i guess i'll scrimp more and who knows, i might end up managed to save more than my current job now. =)
ooh boy, i can't wait to GRADUATE!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
pictures glory...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
no, things are arranged well but my body isn't adapting well. even though i have not fell ill per se, i was really really sick of working and studying concurrently.
imagine those days i'll be studying, my whole day would be like this:
4am - Woke up
4.45am - company driver fetches me and another colleague to work
6am to 4pm - Working....
5pm to 5.30pm - reach home, resting...
6pm - Bathe
6.15pm to 6.30pm - Bathe and get ready for school
7pm to 10pm - Class
10.30pm - Reach home from school...
11pm - Sleep...
4am - Woke up...
and this would probably carry on for the next 3 days or so, with less than 6 hours of sleep and more than 12 hours working... it's really getting a toil on me.
i kind of found a part time job which i believe can tie me over till i grad. it's YM's Air Force friend's friend's pub. yeah, it's a KTV pub at Boat Quay. pay is decent with 10 per hr and commission on Ladies' Drink and opening Bots; working days are fixed and hardly changed; work about 3 to 4 days a week. working hours is 9 or 10pm to 3am.
i've been there myself and spoken with the boss. the place is no where sleazy at least. however, something is holding me back....
i guess i can work something out financially. if the time permits, i could prolly go get some day job like tuition to support. and the biggest gain to be would be the time i would have for myself. =)
i definitely not want to cont'd this crap in T1 any longer, neither would i think that another full time job would not ask proper commitments from me other than my schoolwork.
i get so tired trying to make decisions all the time...
mum and bothersome bros are moving out soon. time to revamp my room...
applied for a CitiClear card that gives a 500 credit limit. no need min income but have higher interest.
i'd waited for more than 2 weeks for the news of my application and ended up that stupid Citibank sales fella did not send in my application. if i hadn't applied online and they sent me a follow up copy, i wouldn't have realize all these while i was waiting in vain.
got so pissed, called to complain and also faxed over my necessary documents with it.
am still waiting... but at least i got a confirmation SMS from them that it's been processed.
i wonder how long more i need to wait...
alot of other things happened... gimme some time to think back.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Happie Bday Singapore
after watching the parade on TV, i can't help feeling a sense of pride for my country, to be where it is today. especially when the last part of the parade where oldies theme song were playing "One People, One Nation, One Singapore... That's the way that we will be forevermore...." and "We are Singapore, We are Singapore... We will stand together, hear the lion roar...".
the parade ended with our pledge and national anthem, which i said out loud ad sang along. i guess it's times like this where i'll appreciate where i come from.
i'm glad i'm Singaporean, a true blue kiasu Singaporean.... LOLz...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Bye Bye PS....
after spending about near 6mths at PS, it's time to leave. like i said before, it's a bittersweet feeling to leave. however, it's good to finally change a new environment.
anyway, soon after i leave, a few more would leave too. they've either serving their notice period or have intention to tender. so, it's a good thing i leave 1st or my heart would ache to see my favourite team members leaving one-by-one.
so tomorrow, it's my official 1st day at T1. it's a power shift for a 1st day - 10/C, aka Full shift at T1. i'm supposed to be anticipating that huh? oh well....
today's my rest day. i bought a new phone! after using Samsung, i went back using Sony Ericsson. in fact, i was drawn to its cybershot capabilities in K810i. and i kind of had it with Samsung's user interface. plus the keypad is getting malfunctioned.
YM needed to upgrade his line to a corporate plan, which is relatively cheaper than his current subscription plan. and i believe it'll help him save much more. so, i might as well ride on and get a new phone. and i'm falling in love with it every minute! kekeke...
but i still miss D820..... because of it's ability of self-shots! ha!
i'm still exploring this phone. maybe i'll listen to what YM said, bring the instructions manual to work with me and read it on my way.
and yes, somebody stole my zhui kway (if you can recall what is that).
i've took-away zhui kway and bee hoon from Bedok interchange, intending to eat the zhui kway before i start for work and the bee hoon for my dinner later. i was on Afternoon shift that day. on my way to the train station, i put the packet of zhui kway together with my bee hoon.
i was at the train platform waiting for the train in another 3 mins. i sat on the stone bench at the platform and was in a daze. maybe i was tired and thirsty. so, i put my packet of food on my side and rested my bag on my lap. i took out my water bottle and started drinking, still deep in my thoughts. the train came, i quickly stuff my bottle into my bag and grab my packet of food.
i was in the train when i checked my HP. YM was asking if i bought anything to eat. just as i was replying the SMS halfway, i casually looked at my food and realize my zhui kway was gone!
super weird lor!
it's like food ppl also wanna steal. !#$%#@
most likely, somebody took the food when i was sitting at the stone bench waiting for the train. i don't know whether to laugh or to be angry lor....
okay, that's so much for the updates. just hope that transferring to T1 is a blessing in disguise...
Monday, July 30, 2007
i was quite right...
there had been some resignation from the staff at T1 and hence they're quite badly tight in their roster. since i had my pass, and i'm an experienced staff, it's only understandable that i would be posted over. and for this shufflement, they called it "minor reshufflement". BLEAH!
it's not all bed of roses at T1. apparently, the 2nd-in-charge (Ling) at T1 is somewhat identical to my SM - mood swings, quite auntie and all. not forgetting she is a little eccentric. also, working with her for a few occasions when i'm there to relieve, already clear enough to tell that she can be quite bitchy as well. y'know, the way she handle the people there, not so much of girls-and-girls bitching. oh boy... sometimes i feel like i'm still stuck in where i came from.
i think i'll be REAL shag out at T1, plus my studies. even though arrangments can be made... but if they'll to put me a M-shift on the days i'm studying, it'll be really power lor. imagine i've to work at 5.30am to about 3pm, and i've classes at 7pm. and again work a M-shift the next day, wah lao, i'll be floating at work lor.
oh well, to look on the bright side, i'll have airport discounts and a new environment. i'll be probably complaining about Ling when i get posted over.
or maybe things wouldn't be that bad, coz' that Ling is quite happy with my work progress when i went there to relieve. then again, it'll be different when i'll be REALLY working there. sigh. i'm not anticipating at all lor....
the Aloha gang and me wanted an overseas trip together. i thought Thailand would be good but since most of them are still underage (under 21 years), so final decision still lies with their parents. and their parents said it's not safe to go BKK now coz' the news reported it to be really messy now. therefore, it's just not safe. (-___-")
then they said their parents are okay with Taiwan. to me, is there a diff? then again, i don't think i can afford lar. the previous time i went over with Bel and gang, i came back quite broke lor. the best part is, i didn't seem to buy alot of things but yet i still wipe out 500 sing which i brought it over with me...
anyway, one of the girls said her father may still have some cliques at Taiwan, so our accomodation and transport around there would either be heavily subsidized or FOC. till then, this trip would be pending.
my mum and bros would be moving out soon. i still don't know when exactly. and i'll have the room to myself! i'm so looking forward to that.
i'll be doing a major revamp to my room - throwing away the dressing table, old and broken wardrobe, my brother's bed, the huge and gaudy wardrobe my dad bought but hardly in use and a new coat of paint for the walls. not forgetting a new small TV set! if i've the spare cash, i'll either fix up a ceiling fan or an aircon.
i've already have in mind how i want it to look like. and i so can't wait to get it all pieced up together. hee!
all in all, i need the huge cash. maybe i won't go Taiwan and forgo getting a DS Lite, i can get all those done. hmm.....
Friday, July 27, 2007
everyone's leaving...
initially, there were the 4 of them: Aloha, BL, XW and Alex. they called themselves "the Aloha Gang". after which i believe they happily included me as well. Alex quitted much earlier this year, giving the similar reasons. but he had his school's attachments and his involvement in his Basketball CCA which really got him packed to the core; Aloha got transferred over to Lucky Plaza and he's enlisting to NS soon, which means he's leaving end of this month even though he's no longer with PS. that left only BL and XW. apparently, they had it up to their boiling points with my SM and decided to throw in the letter as well.
i can't stop them for leaving coz' that would only be the best for themselves. after all, they can do without having to work at Giordano and studies are more important. still, i felt this sickly feeling about them leaving. actually, with them around, my stay in PS was definitely more pleasant and bearable. after all, we could lean on each other for moral support whenever that SM would to throw her weight around.
as i've heard, there'll be a major reshufflement for 1st incharges this September. but i doubt it'll only involved 1st in-charges. then again, if my SM is still staying in PS, either i'll ask for transfer or i'll convert to part-time asap.
till then the reshufflement takes place, i still have to bear with my surroundings - as lonely as ever....
Monday, July 23, 2007
time wasted
slept till 1pm today. i went down to citibank to apply for CitiClear - a credit card for consumers who cannot apply for the regular credit cards. the cash limit is only $500, with no minimum wage. cool, isn't it? so i went down to the Orchard Branch beside PS at about 3pm, just before the bank closes at 3.30pm. i thought i would be able to collect the card instantly but due to overwhelming response on their day of launch, it would have to take 14 days to be approved. sianz. quite excited actually...
after that, i went to Ya Kun at The Cathay for some small bites since i hadn't eat my lunch. no movies, so no movie date with YM. i didn't wanna go home since he'll knock off somewhere between 5 to 6pm. i ended up walking aimlessly at Bugis. i dropped by Gio and caught up with some of my ex-colleagues. actually, i intended to get some accessories at The Edge but apparently it was down for some major reno. DARN!
i went walking around the mall, quite surprised at the introduction of new stores around. i went to Diva and ended up spending 20bucks for a necklace and some bracelets. after which i went to Bugis Street to try to hook up some cheap accessories, which i did. 3 pairs of earrings for $5. shiok! and then, i bought 2 tops for $20. =) all without YM around.
while i was shopping at Bugis, i tried getting hold of YM many times but he's constantly out of reach. it's quite pissing really, especially when i'm tired walking aimlessly on my own and i need to know how long more i need to wait.
i was on the train, thinking i'll head towards Tampines and see whether i'll be able to catch up with Ebel, then YM finally called. apparently, it was 7pm already and he told me he just knocked off. he asked me to wait for him at his parent's shop coz' he needed to help deliver some stuff for the customers. i didn't want to feel awkward at the shop and therefore i wanted to wait at Tampines instead. he retorted that if i wanted to be at Tampines, he could only be ready to meet at 8pm. -_-
well, neither of us were sympathetic to each other's plight, so i guess we just blew off. so now i'm home blogging. oh whatever.
i'll be resting early tonight, still feeling quite tired. anyway, i'm working early tomorrow as well. *groan*
i so can't wait for my PAY DAY!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i actually had a nervous breakdown at home, just before the exams.
i called YM and cried over the phone. i just couldn't help it! the stresses really wears me down finally.
i don't know why, really. it's quite unlike me though, and i can't even rmbr when was my last time breaking down like that, for an exam per se.
i studied like i should. i studied like i always did for exams. i wasn't totally confident but at least i know what i'm studying. YM even accompanied me to the airport and study, and he occupied himself with his own materials to study. that's really sweet of him! but i'm just not confident enough to face the papers. merely because i'm so afraid i ended up with a mental block during the exam.
that happened to me once when i was doing my accounts prelims back when i was in sec 4.
also, yesterday's paper was a module i've taken 2 sems ago and only they've dragged the deferred paper so late. and i'm no whiz-kid to remember what've been taught more than 6 months ago. furthermore, this is the module which i'd worked with that 2 bitches for a project they felt i loafed throughout the entire period.
anyway, i'm glad that paper was over.
i'll be going to Marine Parade's NLB to study. you probably asked why, since there's a Bedok NLB too. well, just take it as i prefer the environment there. after all, that was the place i started my reading habit since Sec 1, thanks to Mun Mun. from then on, it became my favourite study hangout since then. =) take it an excuse but i just can't study at home, or anybody's home nor any place.
last paper before i start my new sem on Jul 31st. quite looking forward to studying again... =)
Friday, July 13, 2007
now not having to work with favourite people, the working environment slowly shifted. it's not that it had became unbearable, but more of indifferent. then again, how long more would i be staying in this shop?
watched Harry Potter yesterday. abit disappointing though. i believe we're all expecting more actions and surprises, but somehow everything beginning to become stale. nonetheless, i still somehow enjoyed the show to an extend for all its sorcery and magic.
well, YM slept. *quietly pissed*
he said he didn't understand the whole show. apparently to me, i thought the Order of the Phoenix was just another new story with the same characters.
i guess, he can't digest wordy movies and heavy british accents. oh boy....
next week, my roster would be filled with almost the whole week of my request (unfortunately), and it's pretty embarassing to cause inconvenience to the planner.
Mon and Wed i'll be having my deferral papers in the noon. so i could only help after 4pm on both days. on Tues, i'm opting for an RD to study for my Wed papers. then, i have MJ session on the Friday and i would need to attend one of my colleagues' bday on Sat. so that'll be both Morning shifts.
i guess this is probably my 1st ever week to have so many request in a week!
i'll be forced to mug over my books (again) over my RD tomorrow. and i guess i only have like 1 day to get things done. hopefully i can manage to recap what have been taught... i mean, it's like quite some time ago already, especially for the deferred module from my summer school. *groan*
that's what really sucked about studying... EXAMS!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
the moment i stepped out of Dhoby Ghaut MRT station yesterday, the crowd really overwhelmed me in PS. then i can't help feeling so sianz, coz' it's not a nice feeling to see humans having their weekend breaks while i get to work and serve these bunch of people. ha!
well, i was hoping things could get worse, i was wrong! apparently, i was warmly greeted by my bunch of teammates so thrilled to see me back. all of my favourite people were working with me. my 2nd-in-charge squealed in delight and gave me a nice hug. awww, so sweet huh? by then, all my negative thoughts were quickly erased.
so i guess the enjoyment of work voices down to who's working on that particular day. but i don't get good choices daily y'know. oh well....
Monday, July 02, 2007
my Genting/KL trip
this trip was quite shiok, maybe coz' i actually did some shopping. oh, i needed that retail therapy and still feeling a lil' unsatisfied. oh well, i can't ask for too much. so i'll try to be contented k?
it's like so exciting! it felt good to go from shops to shops and saw things that i liked. especially there's this brand "Padini Authentic", aka PDI. i've never heard of this brand before but apparently they had quite decent clothes! and the spread of their outlets were something like Giordano in SG. however, their outlets were consolidated in shopping malls rather than street shops. at times, we could spot 2 to 3 PDI outlets in a single mall. and different outlets seem to carry different items. i LURVE it!
i'm quite lucky, in the sense where Malaysia is having their annual Mega Sale. shiok! the best part is i am lucky enough to meet up with Mango Sale!! it's 50% off!
other than that, i happened to come to this mall where it was quite similar to our Far East Plaza. but definitely much happening over there. probably due to an event going on, the mall was quite crowded. nonetheless, with my fierce shopping spirit, it didn't dampen my spirit. ha!
overall, i've bought a cap from PDI, a denim skirt, a Mango Capri at half price in MY size!!!, contact lens which is relatively cheaper than SG, a belly stud made of surgical steel, gotten some chocolates and other of their local snacks. total spent about slightly more than RM250. =) of coz, that doesn't include eating and other entertainment.
oh yes, when we were at Genting, we went clubbing at one of the hotel's club. so coincident, we met one of YM's friends there. but the DJ is not that fantastic lah. left at about 2am. before that, we went to the Casino as well. nothing much but BlackJack got me interested. no lah, didn't try even though i'm quite tempted. ha!
i guess it's a pity i didn't managed to get any tops even though i really liked one when i got my denim skirt in the same shop. that YM lor, happened to spot the error in the prints on the top. and it was a replica to all the other tops. then this hesitation overwhelmed me. so i only bought the skirt instead. it's such a pity eh!!!
and also, i didn't get any slippers. not any nice ones... or maybe i didn't search harder. ha!
so well, that pretty much sums up my trip. photos, later ba.
after this trip, i don't know when would be the next time i'll get such opportunity again. and sianz, working a closing shift tmr....
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
getting a preference...
even though i only worked in T1 for merely coming 2 weeks, i'm quite happy there. probably due to the lack of stress, where my main responsibilities are just to assist them, therefore i felt happier. at least i was working with a lighter heart. at PS, i'm quite forced to take into account alot of other menial tasks and every little thing in PS, and if i would to not do anything right, basically i'm waiting for another shower of nags. perhaps, i can't stand that type of pressure where in-charges expects so much from me and i only have that period of hours to get things done.
i'm still trying hard to just do my job, and just that. after all, i'm not intending to stay there for the rest of my working life. as much as i hate the dreaded feeling of having to work, i would just have to grit my teeth and try to get over with my studies soon..... so for now, i would probably enjoy my last few moments at T1 before good things come to an end.
Monday, June 25, 2007
random posts
well, there're just some tourists who would go to almost every corner of the shop and asked if there're any discounts in almost every item that caught their eyes. sigh. i know, i should get used to it.
like one of the in-charges told me: the customers here have no eyes. which is like so blardy true.
now i understand why Miss Rachel Ibraham from BDS would chid us for not READING THE SIGNS. if the instructions on the door says "Pull", don't be some kok and "Push". the embarassment would naturally end up be on yourself. ha!
if only Miss Ibraham is one of the staffs in Giordano. can you imagine how she will lecture these "blind" customers??
"Read the sign!"
Sunday, June 24, 2007
FYI, i'll be away for a while from the 29th Jun to 1st Jul for another getaway to Genting/KL. since i need to clear my Yr '06 annual leaves, i might as well plan it together with YM. fortunately, his leaves are approved as while. =) i'm like so spoilt!! kekeke....
alrighty, that's pretty much it. and just a glimpse of my this coming week's shifts, i'm on closing shifts again. sianz...
stomachache... it's poo poo time!!! =P
Friday, June 22, 2007
just some quiz to entertain me...
Your Life is 64% Off Track |
i love this one!
You and Your Mom Are Completely Different |
Thursday, June 21, 2007
sabo queen
my vocab is like so sucky now, ever since i worked at Giordano. now, i can't even find a word that could relate that sabo queen! and it's so pissing me off!!!
i've been made to travel to Terminal 1 to relieve. as we last heard, their chalked up OT was as much as 70+ hours, and still escalating! so since i was already chosen beforehand to do my Airport Pass, my SM had to arrange the roster for me to go over to help them clear their OTs. so happened that my days over there are all Afternoon shifts. they start work at 3pm, and close at 12midnight. after clearing up the shop and all, by then we're to sign out, it's usually 1am or later.
for this week, other than relieving at T1, i had to relieve a 1/2M at Citylink. and also, my roster included me to go back shop to help for this Friday. so my SM collaborated with T1's SM to plan my RDs and they gave me 2 RDs for this week. upon confirming T1's roster, they sent a copy to PS. apparently Cindy wasn't very satisfied to see that i got a half-morning and 2 RDs. and so, she called up T1 and told them to give me a more taxing shift if they're not going to change my RDs.
so blardy bitch lor.
T1 changed one of my Afternoon shifts to a 10/C. that is 10am to closing. fine.
yesterday, i was supposedly to be a half-morning, became a morning shift coz' Citylink's in-charge fell sick. so i was made to cover longer hours.
my shift initially was this:
Mon - A (T1)
Tues - A (T1)
Wed - 1/2M (CL)
Thur - RD
Fri - A (PS)
Sat - RD
Sun - A (T1)
became like this:
Mon - A(T1)
Tues - A (T1)
Wed - M (CL)
Thur - RD
Fri - 12/C (PS)
Sat - RD
Sun - 10/C (T1)
that transition from an Afternoon on Tues to Morning on Wed is really a killer. imagine by then i hit the sacks after work on Tues was already 2.30am, and i have to wake up by 8plus for a Morning shift. i thought i was floating at work, seriously.
and my last RD was on last Fri, fyi.
i was so tired that the moment i reached home, i fell asleep for a while. that is about 7.30pm. YM called me at about 9pm to get me to eat my dins. so i went to eat with him and got back about 10pm. and went to sleep till 1.30pm today.
i so can't wait to get out of retail line.
Friday, June 15, 2007
i dunno how i'll fare lah. but i'll be thankful if i can just clear up this subject. and seriously, this module is something which i don't wish to retake. or in fact, i don't wanna retake any subject lah. it's a waste of my time.
i went to replace my driving license and IC yesterday. cost me a great deal. i believe the driving license would come 1st and i'll tentatively take that as my ID for now. beats having to bring my passport everywhere i go. i felt as if i'm some tourist, go everywhere also have passport to bring around. kaoz....
anyway, i went to Airport Terminal 1 to relieve. and i have my airport pass!! how cool is that!!and staff gets 15% to 20% off on duty-free stuffs. heee.... but the shift is like so freaking long and it's really tiring. their Morning shift is from 6am to 3pm, Afternoon shift is from 3pm to 12am, and their Full shift is from 10am to 12am. their breaks are 1.5 hours, which at this moment they can't fulfill that coz' they're very down with manpower. so they cut the breaks short. i was there and i personally experienced that. the crowd can be quite handful, really.
i'll be dropping by T1 again this Sunday, working on an Afternoon shift. bleah. at least there's a driver specially hired to bring us home to our doorstep, which i'm still alright. but if i've a chance to be transferred there, i don't think i want to lah. the shift is just too taxing.
alright, that's so much for today.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
selfish adults
fine, i thought. it wouldn't be that bad since i still get fresh and clean clothes daily. so it wouldn't be that bad lah.
blardy shit lor!!
the thing is, the tub in the machine used to rotate both anti and clockwise. now, it only rotates one direction at quite an amazing speed! and the dial of the machine just stays put! it wouldn't countdown anymore! faint. so it's as good as the machine couldn't wash, rinse, drain and spin-dry my clothes itself. everything i have to manually adjust myself. to put it simply, i'll just agar-agar feel that it's time to drain, i'll turn the dial to drain and that's that. after the water is drained, it'll leave it as it is. it wouldn't automatically spin-dry my clothes for me.
now, i literally have to squeeze the clothes dry before i can hang my laundry! i just did that and i'm like totally drained. i can't afford drippy clothes to hang coz' i'm so worried the neighbors would complain.
my dad blames my mum for spoiling the machine. and my mum rebutted that the machine has rightfully served its life for us for more than 17 years, and therefore it's not surprising the machine will break-down. so, none of them willing to fork out the few hundred bucks to get a new machine coz (1) my mum is moving out soon, and (2) my dad wouldn't want to get a new machine and let that woman used it. so where does that put me?
now i'm thinking if i can bring my laundry to YM's place to wash and bring it home to hang dry, till my mum comes back. but i'm not working a day shift daily lor. how ah?
i seriously has this urge to go Courts and sign up for an instalment for a new washer. but i don't want to be the person to be bogged down for this thinggie y'know. and my dad wouldn't give a 2-hoots about the payment part lor. knowing his pattern, as long as it concerns money, if he didn't have a part to it, he wouldn't even mention about it.
i NEEEEEED a backup plan when my bro just throw their laundry to me.... and i need to wash mine as well!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
fell ill
i messaged YM to come pick me up at about 11.30am. thank goodness he heard my msg and arrived on time. i didn't sit in to the last group's presentation and quietly excused myself out of the room.
i was having shoulder and neck aches, which the doctor told me that most likely my flu caused the pains.
had a quick lunch with YM and i took my medication at his place. then i slept till evening, yet still feeling lethargic when i woke up. hated the taste of my saliva. no amount of water i took could ease the taste in my mouth. yucks! hate taking panadols....
today, i woke up at noon, took my lunch and didn't have the mood to study. took my medication and i ended up sleeping for a couple of hours more. still, the drowsiness is still there. and i have an exam tomorrow lor.... i can't carrying like this! but nothing i could absorb. how??? haix...
i'll try to take a bath and eat dinner. hopefully it'll freshen me up better.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
my exams are beginning next week. 1st paper would be on Monday. sianz. i guess what irks most being a student would be the exams part.
i still have about 1 more year to go... if everything would to go smoothly, i should be graduating in mid next year.
i'm quite broke now. sianz. still have to tahan 3 more weeks before i get my pay. i'm still figuring out how to break open the poverty circle. hmm....
anticipating my orders to come in! kekeke...
alright now, dunno wat to blog. cya!
Monday, June 04, 2007
earlier part of the day, i got quite a pleasant surprise from YM. he got this chubby "didi" to send me this real huge piggy character - Mai Du (if you know who that is) together with an apology card. i was still working mind you and shop was pretty crowded. imagine the stares i had from my colleagues and customers in the shop when they saw me carrying that fella to our staff quarters.
so ya, i guess everything's alright now, after i read his sincerest apologies.
i can't help feeling materialistic this way. you know, that kind who play-hard-to-get with their BFs so that he will shower gifts as apologies. but the fact i'm not one of those gals. however, it's hard not to feel his sincerity to go through such length to try make things right. and it'll be awkwardly rude to reject the present. i don't have the heart to....
i know it's mushy for me to say this: it's really hard on me to be living without him. especially when i feel we're so much ready to take another step in life and have so much plans planned ahead together. furthermore, despite that the fact we girls can't exactly share everything with our significant other, but YM has became such a soulmate to me where i knew i could depend on him for my ups and downs. i believe i sounded like a wimp but that's how the way it is now.
i went to my niece 1-month baby shower after my work. last minute, i went to Mothercare to buy baby booties. they're the most economical and practical for me. or at least, they're within my budget. i wanted to get her a baby carrier but it's like costing me more than a hundred bucks for one. my eyes nearly popped out! then i realise how expensive are kids' stuff actually.
after that, i went home to change and met up with Mei Mei for some long-lost clubbing experience. so we went to try out at The Clinic @ Clarke Quay after hearing quite positive feedbacks.
i guess the main disappointment was that the club is so small. and it somehows trapped between a chillout bar and a club. the dance floor is like so freaking small lor! and there wasn't alot of crowd though. however, the music was quite good. they 1st spinned retro hits which is like damn good lor! but after that, they spinned some house music which was a pretty turn-off. i can't dance lor. some more, both of us were trying so hard to finish our 1-for-1 jugs of beer. i wanted to give up on the beers already but she didn't wanna waste it. *groan* so we managed to clear them up.
after which, we had our 1 free housepour which came together with our cover charges. i hadn't drink that much for a long long while, and it's really a wrong choice to order housepours, even for jux one cup. then Mei Mei ordered half a dozen of Sex on the Beach, which i made her finished 4 shots and i took 2. yet, i got real drunk. can't believe that girl was alright. argh!
seriously, if it wasn't for the sucky music, i would've managed to get alcohol out of my body lor. and it was such a WRONG WRONG choice to leave the club when my brains were getting washed out.
so, i ended up trying to puke out what i had coz' my head was really spinning and it got me real giddy.
i managed to call YM, even though he was already asleep at 2.30am, get him to send Mei Mei and myself home. he's really sweet to rush down to fetch us. i ended up sleeping throughout the journey back but before i concussed, i told YM i'll be sleeping over instead. that at least, was a smart choice for me.
by then i reached his place, i could hardly pulled myself up. all i know was YM carried me all the way home. when he walked down the stairs, i thought he was floating.... ok, my mind's already floating.
when i woke up, i realize i've dropped my coin purse which contains my IC, ez-link card and POSB ATM card. it really felt sucky to know i was so blardy wasted that i didn't even know my purse wasn't with me already. but then i rmbr that my purse was still with me when i left the club... or at least i think so.
i don't know if any kind soul would send my purse to the police station. i've reported the lost case already. sigh.
well, it's gonna be the last time this case gonna repeat itself. i've paid quite a high price for it. and it gotta be worth it.
nights ppl...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Velvet Dragon and some online shopping!
MoMo was renamed to Velvet Dragon, promises it's a "lush boutique" but seriously, it's not that "lush" to put it. slightly different interior and some minor revamp, they tried to tagged themselves differently. maybe the eye-opener they've added was cages where they hired professional dancers (selling shooters) to dance in the cages, trying to create some hype. but i guess many of us couldn't really be bothered. hahaa... ambience was pretty much the same though.
what i thought was refreshing would be the music yesterday. they actually spinned R&B with a mixture of retro! cool! but it's quite obvious that the crowd don't appreciate retro and they ended up standing still instead. with music like that, i was like so HIGH! woot!
anyway, it was the eve of a PH, so they actually had a queue! it's like OMG! 1stly, it was quite a turn off to me coz' i don't exactly rmbr queuing to get into MoMo. good thing at least the queue was moving, and not standstill. so, we got into the club in less than half an hour. but then, when was the last time MoMo actually had a queue? hahaha...
one disappointing part was my MoMo member is no longer valid to use in the club. sigh. i didnt even use it once. so sad huh? anyway, it was free so not that bad. Ebel said they actually sent a msg for members to renew their memberships for free before they closed for renovation. i don't remember receiving any of that sort. then again, members only get priority queues which would be useful on eve of PH or weekends. but i hardly club anymore, so i don't exactly need it. but still, it would be a bonus having one.
took a couple of pics after clubbing... =)
kuku face...

take three... better! but that fella still hid behind the shadows... =/

i sent her the pics and she said she didn't take a decent pic with me. -__-" apparently, she did that face last minute...
i did some online shopping. this site has real nice and cool stuff! go visit when you girls are free... http://moomoohut.blogspot.com . i thought this site was really nicely done up and so user friendly. they even added a size chart to it! anyway, i bought the following in their respective colors. they have other colors for the tops as well!

when i get all these tops, i make sure they're like "love at 1st sight" to me. especially the knitted wear. the moment i saw it, i was like going, "damn! i'm going to have that on me!" hahahahaha.... anyway, i've realized that if i'm to get a top or bottom too half-heartedly, i ended up wasting my money and i won't wear it.
and i wanted to get the following too... but i feel it's abit too dressy for a casual wear. but nonetheless, i'll definitely keep them in mind! maybe my nx pay? kekeke...

i like this white top.... but i'm not sure if it suits me... haha...
i didn't know i can oso feel that "high" shopping online, even though not physically. hahaha... and i LOVE that feeling!!