Friday, September 21, 2007

i've resigned!

i guess this month is prolly the rare month which i've blogged like less than 5 times. either i'm too lazy to update or i really can't find time to sit down and blog.

anyway, for the benefit of my friends, i finally resigned from Giordano after hearing more than a year of my whines and grunts. it sure took me some great courage and guts to talk to the respective people and persuade them to let me go.

oh well, finally they did. *grin* and my official last day should be on the 15th of Oct. I guess its somewhere before my exams. cool. so right now, my SM would be planning how to clear my existing 17 days of Annual Leave. If they managed to get a replacement in time, most likely i would clear them all. Or not, they would have to pay my ALs in $$. either way, i'm quite fine. but of course, i would rather they clear all than i have to work any longer...

so my plan would be to get a PT job and finish my studies asap.

Hua, thanks for keeping me in mind. But i guess i would just curb my eagerness to hook myself with a marketing job and finish my studies 1st. and my eagerness would prolly due to the fear of not being able to find a job i'm so much looking forward to... y'know.

till then, i guess i'll scrimp more and who knows, i might end up managed to save more than my current job now. =)

ooh boy, i can't wait to GRADUATE!

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