havent been updating for a while... lack of the proper brain juice to blog. then again, nothing much happening around me though...
life's pretty much a bore right now, so sucked into my daily routine over the week. other than work over the weekdays, gym and hanging out with angmoh on Sat, and ultimate nuahz and cleaning up my room on Sun, nothing else is on the list. now i don't really go for weekly drinking with the boys in my company coz i'm just not too keen about that. also, i realize tht if i would to stay up late on Fri plus some booze, i can't really catch up my breathe during workout at gym.
anyways, i'm having some muscle aches on my thighs and my arms. i told angmoh, and he laughed at me, commenting that i only exercise once a week so i can't expect much. tmd. and he was rolling his eyes when i told him i only exercised once a week! wah lau, what's wrong with that lor!?! at least i exercise right? riiiight??? bleah!
sigh. it'll be nice to have someone i can cuddle with right now... pout. oh well...
and i dread to know it's Sept already, and Gerald had to remind me that my bday is coming soon. i so don't want to turn 25 lar! yes, even though age is just a number, but you can't just be totally oblivious to it. especially when you know you'll get wrinkles, saggy boobs, and maybe residing hairlines. and most importantly, youth is already becoming a history chapter in your life. hmm, not entirely very exciting to grow old. unless, i'm making big bucks to indulge myself in Spa, endless short getaways, and collagen, then perhaps it'll be slightly different. will i ever get to that mark? well, it'll be a reasonable long-term goal. so for now, just whine. =P
okay, i think i should stop whining abit and go get myself some dinner. hmm, what should i eat?
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