Wednesday, September 07, 2005

all it takes was determination...

i was focus since the beginning of the week and now, i'm quite proud of my little accomplishment. despite being far from what was laid before me, i'm amazed that i'm still striving.

like what they say, "just stay focus and aim at your goal. charge at all costs and you'll get it!"


however, i'm starting to feel fatigue. a little depressed as i'm quite tired from all the battles i've fought in the day, and i don't really get to relax and destress when i knock off. in addition, the slow depletion of my bank account is weighing down on me... it is only the 2nd week of September and i'm already facing financial crisis. i'm ashamed.

well, i'm striving and will hit my sales target this month. for the sake of MORE money to pamper myself. it has been a real LOOOOOOONG time since i've slapped down more than 200 bucks from my earnings just for shopping.

yeap, very deprived of girlie's stuff - shopping.

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