Thursday, March 30, 2006

3 more days - it's my rest day

i slept and slept and slept. haa... despite that i caught up with my sleep, i felt quite bored at home. while all my peers are slogging at work, there i am, nothing to do. should it be a blessing in disguise?

anyway, below's the rest of my schedule:

Friday - 2pm to 9pm
Saturday - Morning (till 6.30pm)
Sunday - Afternoon (2pm to close)

then on Monday, it'll be my rest day again. as YM would be touching down Singapore on Monday at about 3am in the morning, i would be driving my bro's car over to fetch him from the airport. so on Sunday, i will probably have my supper and rest at home before heading to the airport.

sometimes, i feel like clubbing. but i can't find people to go. and most of the times, i miss having the spare cash for retail therapy. i dun seem to do what i used to do, and i'm feeling imbalanced. till now, i couldn't understand how i would still manage to have the cash for clubbing AND shopping when i 1st came out to work after graduation. and best part would be me going clubbing for more than 3 times a month! i was a supergirl... hahaha...

seriously, i miss clubbing alot... i like the feeling of letting go with some help of the alcohol. dancing's my forte. and having my best laid skills go to waste, i can't bear. LOL.

maybe when i've satisfied that, retail's therapy the next!

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