Tuesday, April 01, 2008

when the mood sets in....

i feel old... i sincerely does. so envious that some people of my age or even older don't go through what i'm put through. everything's so perfect and they live in their perfect little world, totally oblivious to the real world. for this, it irritates me. speaking from sour grapes, these people don't think! no goals, no objectives, no nothing. how can people live without objectives and goals in life!?

and also, i can't take it when people tells me seriously that they want to be some full-time tai tai. kaoz! so spineless! gawd! depending on men is prolly the worst decision in life! and what's next? coz he gives the money to spend and that gives him the authority to control how life should be?! bleah! slap him! and slap the spineless woman who don't think for herself!

okay, i'm just ranting for the sake of it.

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