Saturday, November 05, 2005

who's to blame?

when the PC crashes, the 1st reaction people will give is to point fingers. it's natural and understandable. but at the end of the day, shouldn't the owner of the Com takes ownership and shoulder the blame for his negligence?

like myself, when anything goes wrong with my PC, i would definitely need to check who's the last user and what he/she did to it. be it purely surfing online, downloading unsafed online games or installing any softwares/hardwares, there is always a need to get to the bottom of the matter. whether it may or may not solve the problem, at least we have a rough idea what went wrong. however, it's too late to point fingers especially when hard disk crashes.

my pictures i wanted are gone and far from been rescued. i'm utterly upset coz' this could have been prevented.

i believe in taking precautions at all times, especially when you're talking about old systems. even if it takes to invest in another external hardware to backup those precious files, i would simply do that. it is just not worth to rely on that cranky hardware and would only end up in tears if anything goes horribly wrong.

like now.

there're just so much, so much angst in me when no one heed my advice. everything is out of goodwill. if things go wrong, it won't affect me if it doesnt concern me. now, it's different.

it's useless saying so much. just stop, stop finding excuses...

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